On Relations with People of Other Faiths
This Conference:
a) having heard about situations in different parts of the world where relations
between people of different faiths vary from co-operation to conflict, believes that
the approach of Christians to people of other faiths needs to be marked by:
(i) commitment
to working towards genuinely open and loving human relationships, even in situations
where co-existence seems impossible;
(ii) co-operation in addressing human concerns and working for justice, peace and
reconciliation for the whole human community;
(iii) frank and honest exploration of both the common ground and the differences
between the faiths;
(iv) prayerful and urgent action with all involved in tension and conflict, to understand
their situation, so that everything possible may be done to tackle the causes of
(v) a desire both to listen to people of all faiths and to express our own deepest
Christian beliefs, leaving the final outcome of our life and witness in the hands
of God.
(vi) sharing and witnessing to all we know of the good news of Christ as our debt
of love to all people whatever their religious affiliation.
b) recognises
that by virtue of their engagement with people of other faiths in situations all
over the world, Anglican Christians are in a special position to explore and develop
genuinely Christian responses to these faiths;
c) also recognises that the Network for Inter-Faith Concerns (NIFCON) has been established
by the ACC at the request of the last Lambeth Conference as a way for sharing news,
information, ideas and resources relating to these concerns between provinces of
the Anglican Communion;
d) recommends:
(i) that NIFCON
be charged to monitor Muslim-Christian relations and report regularly to the Primates
Meeting and the ACC;
(ii) that the ACC consider how to resource NIFCON adequately both in personnel and
(iii) that all the other official Anglican networks should be encouraged to recognise
the inter-faith dimensions to their work.
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