of Sections and Regions referred to in Subsection (f) of
Resolution I.10 (Human Sexuality)
IV.26 from Section IV
This Conference, noting that no province of the Anglican Communion has voted to change the traditional ethical
teaching on homosexuality, in order to have and promote credibility with our brothers and sisters in New Churches
and Independent Christian Groups, receives and recognises the Kuala Lumpur Statement on Human Sexuality as a contribution
of the 'South ó South Encounter' to the Anglican Communion.
Note: This Resolution
was not voted upon, as the Conference agreed to pass to next business.
V.1 from Central and East Africa Region
This Conference:
- believes in the primary authority of the
Scriptures, according to their own testimony; as supported by our own historic tradition. The Scriptural revelation
of Jesus the Christ must continue to illuminate, challenge and transform cultures, structures, systems and ways
of thinking; especially those secular views that predominate our society to day;
- consequently, reaffirms the traditional
teaching upholding faithfulness between a husband and wife in marriage, and celibacy for those who are single;
- noting that the Holy Scriptures are clear
in teaching that all sexual promiscuity is a sin, is convinced that this includes homosexual practices, between
persons of the same sex, as well as heterosexual relationships outside marriage;
- believes that in this regard, as in others,
all our ordained Ministers must set a wholesome and credible example. Those persons who practise homosexuality
and live in promiscuity, as well as those Bishops who knowingly ordain them or encourage these practices, act contrary
to the Scriptures and the teaching of the Church. We call upon them to repent;
- respects as persons and seeks to strengthen
compassion, pastoral care, healing, correction and restoration for all who suffer or err through homosexual or
other kind of sexual brokenness.
- affirms that it is therefore the responsibility
of the Church to lead to repentance all those who deviate from the orthodox teaching of the Scriptures and to assure
them of God's forgiveness, hope and dignity.
Note: This Resolution
was put to the Conference in the form of an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was defeated.
V.10 from the Latin American Region
This Conference recognises the importance of strengthening Christian family values, and thereby reaffirms traditional
Anglican sexual ethics.
Note: This Resolution
was put to the Conference in the form of an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was withdrawn by the mover.
V. 23 from the South East Asia Region
This Conference receives the Kuala Lumpur Statement on Human Sexuality with gratitude as an authentic expression
of Anglican moral norms.
Note: This Resolution
was not voted upon, as the Conference agreed to pass to next business.
V.35 from the West Africa Region
This Conference:
- noting that--
- the Word of God has established the fact
that God created man and woman and blessed their marriage;
- many parts of the Bible condemn homosexuality
as a sin;
- homosexuality is one of the many sins that
Scripture has condemned;
- some African Christians in Uganda were martyred
in the 19th century for refusing to have homosexual relations with the king because of their faith in the Lord
Jesus and their commitment to stand by the Word of God as expressed in the Bible on the subject;
- stands on the Biblical authority and accepts
that homosexuality is a sin which could only be adopted by the church if it wanted to commit evangelical suicide.
Note: This Resolution
was put to the Conference in the form of an amendment to Resolution I.10 and was defeated.
To resolutions
subject index
To Section One resolutions
To Section Two resolutions
To Section Three
To Section Four resolutions
To resolutions
from the regions
To the interfaith