[Gselections2015] documents issued earlier

Giles Goddard gileswgoddard at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 16:41:23 UTC 2013

Dear all

There's a meeting of the Inclusive Church Exec on Saturday, and it would be really helpful to be able to give them a progress report.   Time is ticking away, and I know we have our next meeting planned for Saturday 21st Sept, but in the meantime ... 

I've been in touch with Affirming Catholicism, GRAS, Anglican Catholic Future and SCP, and am waiting to hear whether they too want to be involved in the campaign. 

Could you let me know how the construction of a common database is going?  And whether the small group which was tasked with working on a campaign strategy has met, and if so whether it has anything we can share with the IC exec?

I'm attaching the note of the last meeting again, for your information. 

Many thanks and all good wishes as ever- 



Canon Giles Goddard
St John with St Andrew, Waterloo
07762 373 674

On 13 May 2013, at 16:37, Simon Sarmiento wrote:

Now that we have established that the right set of people are on this list (welcome newcomers) I am resending two of the documents that Giles wanted to send to everyone before last Saturday'\s meeting. Apologies to those who already have them.

One is the paper by Stephen France that I spoke about.

The other is the talk given by Lucy Winkett at the recent London (WATCH) meeting.


<Better Prepared Better Represented (1).docx>
<Lucy's Address London WATCH Meeting 17 April 2013 (2).docx>

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