Christ Church: Christmas Concert

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Fri Dec 3 00:02:23 GMT 2004

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
F r i d a y  3  D e c e m b e r  2 0 0 4

C H R I S T M A S  C O N C E R T

TONIGHT, Friday 3 December 2004 @ 20.00,
the choirs of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
will present their
including music from
MESSIAH and audience carols.
Directed by Judy Martin
Admission: 10 euro / 6 euro available at the door.

For details online see the cathedral webpage at:

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NEW! See the December 2004 review at:

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email list the recently launched book by Canon John Crawford,
'The Church of Ireland in Victorian Dublin' at a 25% discount if 
purchased online. When prompted at the Personal Details page,
type in the phrase Christmas04 in the Promotional Code box.

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Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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