Christ Church: Upgraded Email List

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Wed Dec 1 16:07:21 GMT 2004

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
W e d n e s d a y  1  D e c e m b e r  2 0 0 4

U P G R A D E D  E M A I L  L I S T

Many of you will by now have noticed an automated message
welcoming you to the Christ Church email list. This is not
a new list, but simply a new method of automating email
tasks which in recent times of increased spam and email
restrictions, have made it more and more difficult to send
out the cathedral email on a regular basis.

Originally started as an occasional email blind-copied to
a small group in 1997, the cathedral email list today is
received by over 800 people. Thanks to Simon Kershaw
and the offices of, the new system
allows members to log to their own account on the
automated email system at:
and change their details and options online at:

I have taken the liberty of turning off the monthly password
reminder which recipients will probably have already received.
This can be turned on again if desired by visiting:

I hope this is a convenient method for most people to continue
to receive the cathedral emails. Feel free to email me at
webeditor at with any feedback.

All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and events.
Details of these can usually be found online at:

NEW! See the December 2004 review at:

For details of the Green Dublin Initiative, send an email to
greendublinebulletin at with subscribe as the subject
or visit

To send an ecard to the International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank to cancel third world debt, click here:

Why not visit Dvblinia, the medieval exhibition, or their
new website available at:

Those who do not wish to receive this periodic mailing from
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, Ireland need only reply to
email at and ask to be removed from the list.
Alternatively, they may subscribe or unsubscribe themselves at:

Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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