Clergy Resources
This is a resource centre for clergy in the Anglican communion, including sermon and lectionary resources, study guides, and Christian education curriculum.
Page Editor:
Christina K. Wible (

New This Week
If its been a long winter...or even just a long Sunday, explore some
of the humor you find here. ECULAUGH is a "meeting" (forum, message
area) on ECUNET, a network supported and used by several religious
denominations. Each day's postings in ECULAUGH are converted into
a page for the World Wide Web.
When Will It be Read
Ever get a great sermon idea while reading a bible passage and then
have to do Prayerbook gymnastics to figure out when you will be
able to use it?

Biblical Study and Criticism
The text of the Septuagint (LXX) Bible
Search the Morphologically Analyzed Hebrew Bible
Search the Bible (your choice of text versions and language)
The Latin Vulgate
Bible Links
Jim Ross, professor emeritus at Virginia Theological Seminary brings a page of links for Bible Studies.
Saint! Saint! Saint! est le Seigneur Dieu Tout Puissant Bible study resources in French.

Theological Discussion
Model Theology Web Explore model theology from as many angles as possible.
Includes links to articles, sermons, and books.
The Holy Spirit and Christian Spirituality

Prayer, Prayer Book and Worship
"Automated" Daily Office (BCP)
Oremus If you are used to using the abbreviated daily office check out this site.
The daily office including one of the appointed readings, the psalm, a hymn and the Anglican Cycle of Prayer are included. The prayers for the day are often taken from the Presbyterian "Book of Common Worship" and provide a refreshing slant. The site also furnishes a service which will email you the daily office.
Interim Working Group on Worship of the Evangelical Luthern Church in Canada In the spirit of ecumenism...see what our brothers and sisters in Christ have to offer.
Book of Common Prayer, 1662 Edition This graphically pleasing site has the full text of the 1662 Book of Common prayer along with a few supplemental links.
1928 Book of Common Prayer
This site contains Morning and Evening Prayer offices with links to the King James Version and the 1928 prayer book psalter for both speed and ease of use. Abbreviated Daily Offices are also posted and linked, together with the Ordinal, Catechism, etc.
Downloadable 1979 Book of Common Prayer This is a downloadable DOS program containing the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
It's "shareware" which means you try it out for free, then if you like it and would continue to use it, you pay the author a nominal registration fee.
Various Book of Common Prayer Links and Resources
Links for various Book of Common Prayer versions including the 1789 US.
Internet Prayer
>From an Anglican curate in Swaythling, Southampton, England comes this neat way of using the Internet for prayer.
Revised Common Lectionary
Weekly commentary on the readings in the Revised Common Lectionary, links to texts, reader aids and a bibliography.
The Unrevised Revised Common Lectionary
Prayers of the People
General intercessions for each Sunday and major feast following the Revised Common Lectionary, The page is uploaded every Sunday with prayers for the following Sunday.

St Peter's Lent and Easter Links 1997
This comprehensive page features links to meditations, sermons, articles and essays with Lent and Easter themes.
Worship that Works/ Selected Sermons
Stuck relating those lectionary lessons to real life (or to some calendar celebration)? This cool site will give you notes and sermon examples to get you off first base and thinking.
Sermons and Sermon-Lectionary Resources
Richard and Charline Fairchild are building a very comprehensive site that even contains a link that enables scripture lookup!
Rev. Jonathon Jensen's Episcopal Preaching Resource Page
A site with links to Episcopal, liturgical and preaching resources as well as sermon archives.
When Will It be Read
Ever get a great sermon idea while reading a bible passage and then have to do Prayerbook gymnastics to figure out when you will be able to use it?
The Year of St. Mark This Australian site brings you Resources for the Year of St. Mark including a bibliography and a discussion group.

Vocations, Ministries and Professional Services
Myers-Briggs (also known as Keirsey Temperament Test) Recovered Alcoholic Clergy Association

Cowley Publications Cowley Publications is a publishing ministry of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, an Anglican religious order in the Episcopal Church. This site contains online catalog of books and tapes on spirituality, prayer, and "food for the soul" in today's world.

Church Administration and Planning Assistance
The Internet Vestment Exchange
Have surplus vestments? Need new vestments or replacements but haven't the funds? Check out this site. The Exchange is a ministry that receives donated vesture, altarware, and church appointments, and sends them on without charge to churches in need around the world.
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
is an association of people interested in stewardship in the church.
Their purpose is to provide stewardship resources (print, video, electronic and personal consultation services) to each of the 7,500 congregations of the Episcopal Church.

Christian and Ministry Education
Episcopal Health Services Clinical Pastoral Education program The Episcopal Health Service on Long Island, New York offers a program in Clinical Pastoral Education.
STAR Christian Faith
A Program of talks in which the Christian faith is clearly explained.
The New York Alpha Conference The Alpha course is a ten-week practical introducation to the Christian faith. It is designed primarily for non-churchgoers and those who have recently become Christians.

Internet Site Resources, Computing and Software
All about starting a website for your church Software for theologians Software Catalog with some shareware
Connection' an electronic magazine for Anglican clergy using computers "Internet for Christians" newsletter

Flotsam and Jetsam
Dextera Domini If you are left-handed and really appreciate a good send-up of church declarations delve into DEXTERA DOMINI, The Declaration on the Pastoral Care of Left-Handed Persons. This may even give you some food for thought about how we treat those who are "different".
ECULAUGH is a "meeting" (forum, message area) on ECUNET. Each day's postings in ECULAUGH are converted into a page for the World Wide Web and posted here.

This web site is maintained privately. Though not a sanctioned organ of any official church body, it does list links to official church sites and documents. Opinions expressed are entirely those of the editors and may or may not reflect the position of the church at large. Anglicans Online!
does not receive any funds or reimbursement for any corporate names which may appear on this site. All contents © 1996 Tod K. Maffin.