Overview of Book
What Others Say
Summary of Chapters
Chapter One: Beginnings
How to Get the Book
About the Author
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overview of book

Although this book is a record of God's disturbances in my life, you may want to use it to reflect on your own faith journey and to become more aware of God's disturbances in your life.

The book is in three sections:

  1. Framed by the poetry of the Prologue and Epilogue, the Chapters narrate the life story of an ordained woman.

  2. The Reflection Starters, which follow each section of that narrative, include questions which (through the use of a Prayer Journal or Group Discussion) might
    • stimulate prayerful attention to the "God-incidences" in your life (those incidents you may have ignored or not noticed or forgotten.)
    • challenge deeper reflection about your baptismal ministry
    • enhance your understanding of Anglicanism.

  3. The final sections of the book provide information to help you work with the material in the Chapters and the Reflection Starters. Along with short lists of recommended books for further reading, they include
    • Methods for Reflection (individual and group study)
    • Approaches to Prayer
    • Glossary of Terms
The Reflection Starters can be used by one or by many. If people wish to study as a group, they might work individually on one section of five chapers during the five weekdays and then come together on the weekends to discuss their findings. In this way, the six main sections of the book could provide a six-week course.