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The Book of Common Prayer | ||||||
¶ The Bishop sitting in his chair, the candidate
for Helper, vested in a cassock, shall be presented by his Priest as follows, |
¶ Bishop kin canakanyankapi towa kin en yankin kta
qa Wawokiye kagapi kte cin hayapi sapa un kta, qa Priest tawa kin ahi
kta, qa eyin kta. |
Reverend Father in God, I present this person
to be admitted as Helper. |
Wakantanka eciyatanhan Ate okinihan kin, wicaśa
kin de Wawokiya kagapi kta e cicahi. |
¶ In like manner the candidate
for catechist shall be presented with these words, |
¶ He iyecen tuwe Catechist
kagapi kte cin ahipi kta, wicoie kin dena oknayan, |
Revereml Father in God, I present this person
to be admitted as Catechist. |
Wakantanka eciyatanhan Ate okinihan kin, wicaśa
kin de Catechist owicoĥan kin en opeyapi kta e cicahi. |
¶ Then the Bishop shall say, The Lord be with you. Let us pray. |
¶ Hehan
Bishop heyin kta,
Itancan kin nicipi un nunwe. Ceunkiyapi kta. |
¶ The shall be said the Lord's Prayer, and Collects, as follows: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread, And forgive 11S our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deĥver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.
Amen. |
¶ Hehan iyokiheya Itancan Tawocekiye kin, qa Ptenyena Wocekiye kin eyapi kta: Ate unyanpi, maĥpiya ekta nanke cin, Nicaje wakandapi nunwe, Nitokiconze
u nunwe. Maĥpiya ekta nitawacin econpi kin, He iyecen maka akan econpi
nunwe. Anpetu iyohi aguyapi kin, anpetu kin de unqu miye. Qa tona ecinśniyan
ecaunkiconpi wicunkicicajujupi kin, he iyecen waunĥtanipi kin unkicicajuju
miye, Qa taku wawiyutanye cin ekta unkayapi śni miye; Tka taku śice cin
etanhan eunkdaku miye; Wokiconze kin, qa wowaśake kin, qa wowitan kin,
hena ohinni qa ohinni nitawa heon. Amen. |
Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy wills of
thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of
good works, may by Thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen. |
Itancan, nitaoyate wacinniyanpi tawacinpi kin
wicaduĥicin kta, iceunniciyapi; hecen, wicoĥan waśte eciyatanhan waskuyeca
kin yuotaya icaĥyapi kinhan, niye eciyatanhan imnahenyan wokajuju yuhapi
kta; Jesus Christ Itancen unyanpi kin he eciyatanhan. Amen. |
O almighty God, who bestowest upon all grace
sufficient for their work, and givest to all men of Thy Spirit to profit
withal, we pray Thee for these Thy servants. Give them self-control. Deliver
them from the vain conversation of the world. Protect them from the snares
of the devil. Enlighten their minds, Fill them with reverence and godly
fear. And make them leaders unto honour, sanctified and meet for Thy use,
and prepared unto every good work; through Jesus Christ out Lord. Amen. |
Wakantanka Iyotan-waśaka, he niye wicaśa owasin
wowaśi tawapi kin on wowaśte iyenakeca wicayaqu, qa wicaśa owasin Nitaniya
itoketu kte cin wicayaqu ece, Nitaokiyepi kin dena on ceunniciyapi, Ţinsya
ikduhapi kta e wicaqu ye. Maka en tokecincin wicotawacin kin hokan wicayuha
ye. Wakanśica woikmunke tawa kin etanhan awantoioayaka ye. Tawacinpi kin
iyoyamwicaya ye. Wakantanka ohodaya unpi qa niyuonihanpi kin on ojuwicaya
ye. Qa watokahanpi on woyuonihan, wicayuwakanpi qa idagwicayayin kta e,
qa wowaśi waśte otoiyohi on wiyeya unpi kta e wicakaga ye. Jesus Christ
Itancan unyanpi kin he eciyatanhan. Amen. |
O Lord Jesus, who didst send the Seventy Disciples
before Thy face into every city and place whither Thou Thyself wouldst come;
mercifully regard our labors; multiply our fellow-helpers in the same; and
so prosper the work of our hands upon us, that, when Thou comest again,
Thou mayest find all things ready for Thee, who livest and reignest, with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. |
Jesus Itancan, oyanke qa otonwe tona Niyeĥca
en yahi kte cin otoiyohi ekta Waonspewicakiye Wikcemna-śakowin kin Niite
itokab yewicayaśi qon: wowaśi unkitawapi kin onśidaya atonwan ye; he en
ounkiyapi kte cin wicayuota ye; qa unnapepi oĥan kin okihiunkiciciya miye,
hecen, tohan ake yahi kinhan, Niye on taku owasin wiyeya iyeyayin kta, Niye
Ateyapi kin qa Woniya Wakan kin ob niyaun qa wokiconze duha, Wakantanka
wanjina, maka owihanke wanin. Amen. |
Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit
the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified; Receive our supplications
and prayers, which we offer before thee for all estates of men in thy holy
Church, that every member of the same, in his vocation and ministry, may
truly and godly serve thee; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. |
Wakantanka, Iyotan-waśaka qa ohinniyan kin, niye
Nitaniya kin eciyatanhan Okodakiciye Wakan kin tancan ataya awandaka qa
duwakan kin; Wocekiye qa wakidapi unkitawapi kin, hena Okodakiciye Wakan
nitawa kin en, wicaśa owasin on, unkeyapi kin naĥon ye, hecen tona en opapi
kin, otoiyohi tukte woecon qa wicoĥan tawa kin oknayan, wicakeya qa Wakantanka
ohodaya waecanicon kta; Itancan unyanpi qa Wanikiya unkitawapi Jesus Christ
he eciyatanhan. Amen. |
¶ Then, all standing, this declaration of their work shall be read. It pertains to the office of Catechist and that of Helper: 1. He will by prayer and study of God's Word prepare himself for his
ministry, and will, in all temporal and spiritual things, set an example
to the people. |
¶ Hehan owasin najinpi kta, qa decen yaotaninpi kta. Catechist qa Wawokiye wowaśi kin he kaketu: 1. Wakantanka oie kin he onspeiçiciye ça cekiya un kta, qa hena eciyatanhan
wowaśi tona oecon kta kiciyanke cin en ikduwiyeyahan un kta, hecen wowaśi
oecon kin qa Woniya eciyatanhan oni kin napinya on oyate iwaonspewicakiyin
kta. |
2. He will render loyal obedience to his superior
Minister. |
2. Iye Wicaśa Wakan ihukuya un kin he yuwicakeya
woanagoptan akiyuha kta. |
3. He will read the services of the Church, and
exhort the people as may be directed by the Priest under whom he serves. |
3. Okodakiciye wakan kin Wocekiye oecon kin hena
yawa ecee kta, qa Priest wan ihukuya wowaśi econ kin he token econsi kin
oknayan oyate kin wowakta wowahokonkiye ewicakiya ecee kta. |
4. He will diligently visit his people and pray
especially with the sick and those in sorrow and trouble. |
4. Oyate ob un kin en wicai kta, qa iyotan wayazankapi
qa canteśicapi qa kakijapi kin hena ob bdihenya wocekiye ewicakiciyin kta. |
5. He will instruct his people, and particularly
the children, regularly, in the Church's teaching; he will also prepare
persons for Baptism and Confirmation, under the direction of the Priest. |
5. Oyate tawa kin, qa iyotan wakanheja tawapi
kin ijehan Okodakiciye Wakan tawoonspe kin onspewicakiyin kta; nakun tona
Baptisma wicaqupi kte cin qa Wicayusutapi en opapi kte cin, hena Priest
econśi kin oknayan wicayuwiyeyin kta. |
6. He will be responsible for the care of the
Chapel and other Church property at his station. |
6. Oyanke tawa kin en Tipi Wakan qa Okodakiciye
Wakan tawoyuba kin hena awanyakin kta iyowaja. |
¶ Then shall the Bishap demand of the Candidate, Will you diligently and willingly perform these duties? Answer: I will, by God's help. |
¶ Hehan Bishop kin tuwe opeyapi kin cin iwangin kta, Wowaśi kin dena bdihenya qa iyokipiya ecanon kta he. Woayupte: Wakantanka omakiye kin on, hecen ecamon kta. |
¶ Then shall the Bishop
address each candidate to be admitted Helper handing him a Prayer Book
and saying, |
¶ Hehan Bishop kin tuwe
Wawokiye kagapi kte cin Wocekiye Wowapi wan qu kta, qa heciyin kta, |
I hereby Iicense you, A. B., to act as Helper under the direction of the Reverend C. D. With this book do thou lead the devotions of the people with reverence
and godly fear. |
Niye A. B., Reverend C. D. ihukuya Wawokiye wowaśi ecanon kta e iyowinciciya. Wowapi kin de yuba ohodaya wocekiye oecon en tokawicayecihin kta. |
¶ Then shall the Bishop
cause each candidate to be inducted as Catechist to be vested with a cotta,
and shall address him, handing him a Bible and saying, |
¶ Hehan Bishop kin tuwe
Catechist opeyapi kta' Hayapi ska kin unkiyin kta, qa Wowapi Wakan wan
qu kta, qa heciyin kta, |
I hereby induct you, E. F., into the office of Catechist, to serve under the direction of the Reverend G. H. Receive the word of God, and be thou a diligent student thereof, that
in so doing thou mayest save thyself, and them that hear thee. |
Niye, E. F., Catechist wowaśi kin en opeciya, qa Reverend G. H. ihukuya hecanon kta e on iyowinciciya. Wakantanka Oie kin de icu wo, qa he bdihenya yawa yaun kta, hecen ecanon
kinhan he eciyatanhan niniçiyin kta, qa nakun tona naniĥonpi kin hena
niwicayayin kta. |
¶ Then shall those admitted kneel to receive the Bishop's blessing: Go forth to your work as true soldiers of Jesus Christ; be of good courage;
hold fast to that which is good; render to no man evil for evil; strengthen
the faint-hearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honor all men;
love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. |
¶ Hehan tona opewicayapi kin Bishop tawoyawaśte icupi kta on, canpeśka makakde inajinpi kta: Jesus Christ taakicita henicapi okna wicakeya wowaśi nitawapi ekta ya
po; waditaka po; taku waśte kin he sutaya yuha po; tuweni taku śica on
itkob śicaya ecakiconpi śni po; canwankapi kin waditakewicaya po; waśakapiśni
kin wicayuwaśaka po; iyotaniyewicakiyapi kin owicakiya po; wicaśa owasin
wicayuonihan po; Itancan kin waśtedakapi qa waecakicon po; Woniya Wakan
towaśake kin en wiyuśkin po. |
And may Almighty God bless and direct you, and make you fruitful in every good work; in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. | Qa Wakantanka Iyotan-waśake cin awanniyakapi qa niyawaśtepi nunwe, qa wowaśi waśte owasin en waskuyeca icaĥyeniciyapi nunwe; Ateyapi kin qa Cinhintku kin qa Woniya Wakan Caje kin on. Amen. |
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Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. England Scotland Ireland Wales Canada World |