What's On at Lambeth
Tuesday, 4 August

7.15 am Eucharist (The Church of the Province of Nigeria) followed by Bible Study video with Penelope Jamieson, Bishop of Dunedin 2 Cor 10

8.15 - 9.15 am Breakfast

9.30 - 11am Morning Prayer and Bible studies

11 - 11.15am Coffee

11.30 - 12.30 pm Spouses: Workshops
-Mission & Evangelism (2)
-Creative Workshops

11.30 - 1pm Sections

1 pm Spouses: Exercises

1- 2.30pm Lunch-free time

2pm Spouses: Excursions

3 - 3.15 pm Tea

3 - 4.00 pm Spouses: Workshops
-Mission & Evangelism (2)
-Creative Workshops

3.30 - 5.30 pm Plenary Session: Discusson and debate including voting on resolutions from section meetings and the churches of the Anglican Communion
5.45 pm Evening Prayer (The Church of the Province of Myanmar) followed by Bible Study video with Clovis Rodriquez, Bishop of Northern Brazil 2 Cor 11: 1-15

6.30 - 8pm Dinner-free evening

7.30 pm Spouses
Coffee and tea in home tent
Susan Howatch: ‘Harassed Heroines and Healing Centres’

8.30 pm Market Place Events
Tonight’s final
Market Place Event evening presents a 'Multicultural Musical Celebration' featuring several international recording artists and ensembles in an evening of entertainment and audience participation. Columba Plenary Hall

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