Issue No. 16Saturday 8 August 1998
The Official Newspaper of the
Lambeth Conference

Web highlights provided by Anglicans Online from the official edition.

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Thank you, Canterbury local committee

The Canterbury Local Committee, under the direction of Chairperson Peter Carson, has quietly directed the work of more than 500 volunteers, over a period of four years, to support Lambeth 98 The projects of the committee were begun and organised from the Canterbury diocese, which has welcomed volunteers from around the world.

Other staff include: Canon Reg Humphriss, Deputy Chairperson (diocesan volunteers), the Rev Derek Crabtree (diocesan stewards), the Rev Stephen Laird (student volunteers), Jennifer Llewellin (spouses' programme liaison), the Rev Maurice Worgan (transport for conference members), Sue Rennison (Parkwood and Giles Lane enquiry offices), Helen Thompson (shop), David Grumett (student volunteers), Sue Humphriss (diocesan hospitality).

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