[Healing] Iatrogenic disease

Tim Temple ttemple5 at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 2 19:42:37 GMT 2006

In Jim Lynn's book, he wrote, "iatrogenic disease is a disease, sickness,
impairment, disfigurement, or death caused by the practice of “acceptable”
medical care (excluding malpractice or other medical mistakes)."

I know a woman who had massive x-rays to try to kill off her cancer.  Not
only did it not kill the cancer, but it wiped out the small intestines'
ability to absorb food value.  She had to give herself an intravenous of big
bags of food solution five days a week, 10 hours a session.  In the meantime
the cancer was still advancing.  She had been this way for over six months
when  I found out about it.  I called up a brother on the southside of town
who had the gift of miracles, knowing that was what she needed.  (The fact
that miracles had happened when he prayed indicated he had that gift.)  I
have a gift of healing cancer.  We went to her house and prayed for her for
three hours.  She got a checkup two days later.  Half the cancer was gone.
She stopped shooting up the food bags and ate normally.  She didn't lose
weight any more.  That was a month ago.  She left town last week, to go to a
hospital that specializes in cancer to get rid of the rest of it.  I wish
her well....

--Tim Temple
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