[Gselections2015] Contributions to Coordinator funding

Giles Goddard gileswgoddard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 19:27:15 UTC 2014

Dear all

As you'll have seen, Stephen France has now been appointed as Synod campaign coordinator. That's tremendous news.  But it means we now have to pay him :-)  So I'd be very grateful if those organisations who have committed funding - for which, much thanks - could forward their contributions for this year to Inclusive Church?  Either by cheque, to 

David Hancock
Inclusive Church
St John's Church
 Waterloo, London Se1 8TY

OR by direct transfer to 
CAF Bank Ltd, 
sort code 40-52-40.

I'm attaching the agreed funding, and hope it's accurate!

GRAS have already sent their contribution, so no need for another yet - 

Thanks very much indeed all -  

best wishes


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Canon Giles Goddard
St John's w. St Andrew's, Waterloo
07762 373 674 

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