Christ Church Events: 1 - 31 August 2008

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Tue Jul 22 16:56:21 GMT 2008

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
F r i d a y  1  -  S u n d a y  3 1  A u g u s t  2 0 0 8

D i a r y  O v e r v i e w

Friday 1 - Sunday 31 August 2008
  10.00 - Exhibition: Restoration 1878-2008
Saturday 2 August 2008
  13.15 - Concert: Cantoria, Truman State University
Sunday 3 August 2008
  11.00 - Cathedral Eucharist
Sunday 10 August 2008
  11.00 - Cathedral Eucharist
Monday 11 August 2008
  19.00 - Spiorad: Celtic meditative service
Saturday 16 August 2008
  17.00 - Choral Evensong: St Mary's Girls' Choir, Warwick
Sunday 17 August 2008
  11.00 - Cathedral Eucharist: St Mary's Girls' Choir, Warwick
  15.30 - Choral Evensong: St Mary's Girls' Choir, Warwick
Saturday 23 August 2008
  17.00 - Choral Evensong: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork
Sunday 24 August 2008
  11.00 - Cathedral Eucharist: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork
  15.30 - Choral Evensong: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork
Monday 25 - Sunday 31 August 2008
  11.00 & 14.30 - Guided tours
Monday 25 August 2008
  13.15 - Guided tour of the floor tiles (Michael O'Neill)
Tuesday 26 August 2008
  13.15 - Tour of cathedral music (Sue Hemmens)
Wednesday 27 August 2008
  13.15 - Tour on restoration of the cathedral (Kenneth Milne)
Thursday August 28, 2008
  13.15 - Concert: Rungis Harmony Orchestra
Friday August 29, 2008
  13.15 - Guided tour of belfry (Leslie Taylor)
Saturday August 30, 2008
  13.15 - Guided tour of the stained glass (Lesley Whiteside)
Sunday 31 August 2008
  11.00 - Cathedral Eucharist


Friday 1 - Sunday 31 August 2008 - Crypt Exhibition (10.00-17.00)
The crypt features an ongoing exhibition for the summer months
marking the 130th anniversary of the restoration of the cathedral
by G.E. Street. It consists of a remarkable collection of drawings
and photographs showing Street's work in progress. Curated by
Dr Michael O'Neill, the exhibition is supported by the Heritage
Council and a corporate donor. The Irish language body, Colmcille,
have kindly supplied the display boards. While the exhibition is open
to the public, it will be officially opened following evensong on
Saturday 20 September by Professor Roger Stalley of Trinity College.

N.B. The INFERNO EXHIBITION originally scheduled to take place
from Friday 18 July to Saturday 16 August 2008 was cancelled due
to unforeseen administrative difficulties.

Saturday 2 August 2008 - Cantoria Concert (13.15)
A lunchtime concert will be given on Saturday 2 August 2008
at 1.15pm by Cantoria, a sixty-five voice ensemble conducted
by Dr Mark Jennings from Truman State University, Missouri
in the USA. The choir specialises in a cappella works, and the
programme will include compositions by Byrd, Lauridsen, Mozart,
Palestrina, Pärt, Sweelinck and Telemann amongst others.
For details of the Cantoria lunchtime concert, see online at:

Sunday 3 August 2008 - Cathedral Eucharist (11.00)
During the cathedral choirs' holidays, many of the services
will be organ only, as this Sunday when the organist is the
David Leigh, assistant organist at St Patrick's cathedral, Dublin.

Sunday 10 August 2008 - Cathedral Eucharist (11.00)
During the cathedral choirs' holidays, many of the services
will be organ only, as this Sunday when the organist is the
Vincent Lynch, former organ scholar of Trinity College chapel.

Monday 11 August 2008 - Spiorad: Celtic meditative service (19.00)
Spiorad, a service of Celtic meditation takes place on the second
Monday of the month. It explores the life and ministry of a Celtic
saint as an integral part of each service. All are most welcome.
For details of the Spiorad services see online at:

Saturday 16 August 2008 - Choral Evensong (17.00)
Sung by the Girls' Choir of St Mary's Collegiate Church, Warwick.
Byrd responses, setting: Weelkes' 'Short Service'
and anthem, Gibbons 'Almighty and Everlasting God'.

Sunday 17 August 2008 - Cathedral Eucharist (11.00)
Sung by the Girls' Choir of St Mary's Collegiate Church, Warwick.
Setting: Mozart 'Missa Brevis in D (K194)', anthem: Byrd
'Ave Verum Corpus', and organ voluntary,
Mozart 'Fantasia in F Minor (K608)'.

Sunday 17 August 2008 - Choral Evensong (15.30)
Sung by the Girls' Choir of St Mary's Collegiate Church, Warwick.
Leighton responses, setting: Leighton 'Second Service',
anthem: Rheinberger 'Abendlied' and organ voluntary
Leighton 'Toccata on 'Hanover'.

For the Girls' Choir of St Mary's Collegiate Church, Warwick, see:

Saturday 23 August 2008 - Choral Evensong (17.00)
Sung by the choir of St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork.
Neary response, canticles Daniel Purcell in E Minor
and Purcell 'Thy Word is a Lantern'.

Sunday 24 August 2008 - Cathedral Eucharist (11.00)
Sung by the choir of St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork.
Setting: Leighton in D, anthem: Victoria 'O Quam Gloriosum'.

Sunday 24 August 2008 - Choral Evensong (15.30)
Sung by the choir of St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork.
Neary responses, setting: Dyson in D, and anthem,
Balfour Gardiner 'Evening Hymn'.

For the choir of St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, see:

Monday 25 - Saturday 30 August 2008 - Heritage Week
Guided tours take place every day during heritage week
from Monday 25 to Saturday 30 August at 11.00 and
14.30, and are included in the admission charge.

Monday 25 August 2008 - Lunchtime Tour (13.15)
As part of heritage week, art historian, Dr Michael
O'Neill will give a guided tour of the cathedral's medieval
and Victorian floor tiles. No extra charge for the tour.

Tuesday 26 August 2008 - Lunchtime Tour (13.15)
As part of heritage week, the honorary keeper of the music
and music librarian, Sue Hemmens will give a guided tour
of the cathedral music. No extra charge for the tour.

Wednesday 27 August 2008 - Lunchtime Tour (13.15)
As part of heritage week, the honorary keeper of the
archives and historiographer of the Church of Ireland,
Dr Kenneth Milne will give a guided tour of the restoration
of the cathedral (1871-8). No extra charge for the tour.

Thursday 28 August 2008 - Rungis Harmony Concert (13.15)
The Rungis Harmony orchestra or Ensemble Harmonique
de Rungis based in the outskirts of Paris, will give a lunchtime
concert in Christ Church at 1.15pm as part of its Tournée
Internationale Irlande 17 - 29 August 2008, and coinciding
with Heritage Week. Founded in 1988 by Guy Douvry, the
conductor is Michel Descamps. Entrance is included in the
admission charge. For Rungis Harmony see online at:

Friday 29 August 2008 - Lunchtime Tour (13.15)
As part of heritage week, the former ringing master, Leslie
Taylor will give a guided tour of the cathedral belfry. No extra
charge for the tour. Please note that this tour is not suitable
for children and the infirm. Numbers are limited to 20.

Saturday 30 August 2008 - Lunchtime Tour (13.15)
As part of heritage week, the archivist and historian, Lesley
Whiteside, will give a guided tour of the cathedral stained
glass. There is no extra charge for the tour. Those interested
in coming on the tour are advised to bring binoculars to ensure
they can see the details of the glass.

Sunday 31 August 2008 - Cathedral Eucharist (11.00)
During the cathedral choirs' holidays, many of the services
will be organ only, as this Sunday when the organist is the
John Mountford, the current organ scholar, who has been
reappointed at Christ Church for another year.

All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and events.
Details of these can usually be found online at: or

Visit the CATHEDRAL SHOP online now at:

See the Dean's Vicar's Review of AUGUST 2008:

Visit Cultivate, a cultural centre in Essex Street West,

Why not visit Dvblinia, the medieval exhibition,
or their website available at:

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Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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