Christ Church: Messiaen Centenary Celebration

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Tue Apr 8 23:01:41 GMT 2008

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
W e d n e s d a y  9  A p r i l  2 0 0 8

M E S S I A E N  C E N T E N A R Y  C E L E B R A T I O N

To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Olivier Messiaen,
the most significant composer of twentieth century organ music,
Dublin-based virtuosi David Leigh and Tristan Russcher, in
association with Pipeworks, will present the entire corpus of
organ works throughout the year, beginning on SUNDAY 13
APRIL with 'Les Corps Glorieux', performed by David Leigh on
the organ of Christ Church cathedral. This work will be performed
as an extended voluntary following Evensong at 3:30pm.
Entrance is free. The recitals in the series are as follows:

Sunday 13 April 2008, 16.20
Les Corps Glorieux
Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

Tuesday 13 May 2008, 18.30
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

Sunday 27 May 2008, 16.30
Messe de la Pentecote
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

Monday 23 June 13.15, 
La Nativite
St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Dublin

Tuesday 24 June 2008, 13.15
Messe de la Pentecote
St Teresa's Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin

Tuesday 24 June 2008, 21.00
Meditations sur le Mystere de la Sainte Trinite
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

Wednesday 25 June 2008, 13.15
L'Ascension *
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dundalk

Thursday 26 June 2008, 13.15
Livre d'Orgue *
St Teresa's Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin

Thursday 26 June 2008, 21.00
Livre du Saint-Sacrement
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

Friday 27 June 2008, 13.15
Les Corps Glorieux
St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Dublin

Wednesday 17 December 2008, 20.00
La Nativite
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

(* denotes the inclusion of smaller works)

Details of the Messiaen Centenary recitals can be found online at:
or on the Pipeworks Festival website at:

All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and events.
Details of these can usually be found online at: or

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NEW! See the Dean's Vicar's Review of APRIL 2008:

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Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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