Christ Church: Cathedral Choir Webcast

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Thu Feb 9 17:54:52 GMT 2006

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
T h u r s d a y  9  F e b r u a r y  2 0 0 6

W E B C A S T  C O N C E R T  @  1 8 . 0 0  G M T 
Trinity Wall Street broadcast cathedral choir concert

Trinity Wall Street webcast their lunchtime concerts,
and today the choir of Christ Church Cathedral will
give a recital as part of their 'Concerts at One' series

Bearing in mind the five hour time difference between Dublin
and New York, this can be viewed online at 18.00 GMT (in
about 15 minutes as this is being sent - apologies for the
short notice).

Details are available online at:
The webcast window loads from:
and gives a choice of 'Ultra | High | Medium | Low | Audio-Only'
but will only play through Windows Media Player.

The cathedral choir is currently on tour in the USA. Details online:

For details of availability for those choirs wishing to sing a residency
at Christ Church over the next year, visit our calendar of available dates:

All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and events.
Details of these can usually be found online at:

See the Dean's Vicar's January 2006 review at:

'The Reflecting City' documents Dublin's reconstruction:

Visit Cultivate, a new cultural centre in Essex Street West,

Why not visit Dvblinia, the medieval exhibition, or their
new website available at:

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Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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