Christ Church: Amnesty Christmas Concert 2005

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin webeditor at
Wed Nov 23 19:43:43 GMT 2005

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N
S a t u r d a y  1 0  D e c e m b e r  2 0 0 5

C A R O L S  F O R  F R E E D O M
A m n e s t y  I n t e r n a t i o n a l  C o n c e r t

Amnesty International hosts its annual Christmas
concert at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin on
Saturday 10 December 2005 at 8.00pm.

Hosted by Bethan Kilfoil, artists featured will
include Hazel O'Connor and Ruairi de Barra,
Áine Uí Ceallaigh (sean-nós), Liam O'Flynn
(uilleann pipes), The Guinness Choir (directed
by David Milne), Bryan Hoey (tenor), Orla Boylan
(soprano) and Ciaran Coll (organist).

Tickets are 25 euro  / 20 euro (concession),
and can be purchased from the Freedom Café,
Amnesty International, 48 Fleet Street, Templebar
Dublin 2, or by phone on 00 353 (0)1 677 6361.

Full details online at: and

Starting from St Mary's Haddington Road, at 5.40pm on Sunday 4
December, an inter-church journey comprising six denominations
will visit the Romanian Orthodox congregation Christchurch, Leeson
Park and St Finian’s Lutheran Church, Adelaide Road. All curious
believers and non-believers most welcome. Further information online:

All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and events.
Details of these can usually be found online at:

See the Dean's Vicar's December 2005 review at:

Visit Cultivate, a new cultural centre in Essex Street West,

Why not visit Dvblinia, the medieval exhibition, or their
new website available at:

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Stuart Kinsella, Web & Email Editor
webeditor at
Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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