The Benevolent Lebanese Evangelical School for Special Education and Development

 Ghabeh Street no. 62, Karm El-Zeitoun, Achrafieh, Beirut - Lebanon




Pray for our school at the beginning of this new academic year. Pray for those who are taking up new responsibilities. Pray that all may be lead by our Lord to be used for His glory. Pray for Mrs. Elizabeth Hayes as she takes on her new responsibility as principal of our school. Pray for our students, teachers, members of staff, and children that they may adjust to the change in the school's administration. Pray that teachers and staff will cooperate with Mrs. Hayes and help her, and that children and students will continue to benefit from our programs. Pray for Rev. George Haddad in his new appointment as director of Schneller School. 

Praise God for the end of all hostilities in Lebanon. Pray that this will lead to a permanent ceasefire. Praise God for the safety of BLESSED and all our staff, some of whom where in the worst areas of the war. Pray for peace in Lebanon, the Middle East, and the whole world. Pray that all parties may understand that God calls all peoples to live in peace, reconciliation, and tolerance.


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