for the Sundays
before Lent and after Trinity |
Short Prefaces |
And now we give you thanks |
because you are the source of
light and life; |
you made us in your image |
and called us to new life in
him. |
(or) |
And now we give you thanks |
because on the first day of the
week |
he overcame death and the
grave |
and opened to us the way of
everlasting life. |
(or) |
And now we give you thanks |
because by the water and the
Holy Spirit |
you have made us in him a new
people to show forth your glory. |
Extended Preface |
It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation, |
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, |
holy Father, almighty and
eternal God. |
From sunrise to sunset this day
is holy, |
for Christ has risen from the
tomb |
and scattered the darkness of
death |
with light that will not
fade. |
This day the risen Lord walks
with your gathered people, |
unfolds for us your word, |
and makes himself known in the
breaking of the bread. |
And though the night will
overtake this day |
you summon us to live in endless
light, |
the never-ceasing sabbath of the
Lord. |
And so, with choirs of
angels |
and with all the heavenly
host, |
we proclaim your glory |
and join their unending song of
praise: |