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General Index (Main Volume)


absolutions - Evening Prayer on Sunday 39; Book of Common Prayer 74 - Form of Preparation 165 - Holy Communion 159 note: Order One 170; traditional 210: Order Two 238; contemporary 258: supplementary texts 279 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 31; Book of Common Prayer 64, 74, 81 note - Night Prayer traditional 90 - other authorized forms 135-7 - Thanksgiving, for the Word 46-7

acclamations in Eucharistic Prayers - Holy Communion Order One 330 note; Order One 176, 333 note; traditional 224: Prayer A 216; Prayer C 219 - see also Gospel acclamations

Advent - calendar 2 - canticles, for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - date (2001-30) 17 - lectionary 537 note, 542-3 - seasonal provisions, Holy Communion 300-301 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59 - Sunday next before Advent see Christ the King - see also Advent, Sundays before Advent, Advent, Sundays of Advent

Advent 1, and Patronal and Dedication Festivals 530 note

Advent 3 to Christ's Baptism, Service of the Word, readings 27 note

Advent, Sundays before - Collects and Post Communions: contemporary 423-6; traditional 495-8: lectionary 577-8

Advent, Sundays of - Collects and Post Communions: contemporary 376-9; traditional 449-51

Aelred of Hexham (12 January) 5

affirmations of faith, authorized forms 144-58 - see also Creeds

Agnes (21 January) 5

Agnus Dei 334 note - Order One 179; traditional 223: Order Two 335 note; 241

Aidan (31 August) 12

Alban (22 June) 10

Alcuin of York (20 May) 9

Aldhelm (25 May) 9

Alfred the Great (26 October) 14

All Saints' Day (1 November) 15 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 422-3; traditional 494-5 - day after, to day before Advent 1, seasonal provisions 326-7 - lectionary 540 note, 576 - observance 526 note, 527 note - prayer over baptismal water 368-9 - seasonal provisions 324-5 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60 - transference 534 note

All Souls' Day (Commemoration of the Faithful Departed) (2 November) 15

Alleluias, Night Prayer 99 note

Alphege (19 April) 8

Ambrose (7 December) 16

Andrew (30 November) 15 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 443; traditional 516 - lectionary 586 - observance 528 note

Andrewes, Lancelot (25 September) 13

Anne (26 July) 11

Annunciation (25 March) 7 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 429; traditional 502 - lectionary 580 - observance 526 note, 529 note - seasonal provisions 310-311 - transference 534 note - see also Blessed Virgin Mary

Anselm (21 April) 8

Anskar (3 February) 6

Antony of Egypt (17 January) 5

Apostles' Creed 141 note, 141-3 - Evening Prayer on Sunday 43; Book of Common Prayer 77 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 35; Book of Common Prayer 69 - see also Creeds

Ascension Day - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 404; traditional 476 - date (2001-30) 17 - lectionary 540 note, 561 - observance 526 note - Proper Prefaces from Book of Common Prayer, for use in Order Two 246 - seasonal provisions 318-9 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60 - Sunday after (Easter 7): Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 404-5; traditional 476-7: lectionary 561 - to Pentecost 320-21, 527 note

Ash Wednesday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 392; traditional 464 - date (2001-30) 17 - lectionary 540 note, 551 - observance 527 note - to Saturday after Lent 4, seasonal provisions 308-9

Assent, Declaration of xi

Athanasian Creed 143 note, 144 note, 145-6 - see also Creeds

Athanasius (2 May) 9

Augustine, of Hippo (28 August) 12

Augustine, of Canterbury (26 May) 9

Authorization vii,815

authorized forms of service, rules for 525 note

Azariah, Vedanayagam Samuel (2 January) 5

Baptism see Holy Baptism

Baptism of Christ (1 January) - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 383-4; traditional 456-7 - lectionary 546 - observance 528 note, 529 note - and Patronal and Dedication Festivals 528 note - prayer over baptismal water 365-6 - transference 534 note

baptismal vows, corporate renewal in services other than Holy Baptism or Holy Communion 149-51

Barnabas (11 June) 10 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 433; traditional 506 - lectionary 540 note, 581 - observance 528 note

Barnett, Samuel and Henrietta (17 June) 10

Bartholomew (24 August) 12 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 439; traditional 512 - lectionary 584 - observance 528 note

Bartolomé de las Casas (20 July) 11

Basil the Great (2 January) 5

Baxter, Richard (14 June) 10

Beatitudes - Form of Preparation 164 - as invitation to confession 331 note - supplementary texts 126

Becket, Thomas (29 December or 7 July) 16

Bede, Venerable (25 May) 9

'Before the ending of the day', use in Night Prayer 82, 90

Benedicite (Song of Creation) - 778-9, 57 note, 58 note, 67 note, 776 note; Book of Common Prayer 807-8, 777 note

Benedict Biscop (12 January) 5

Benedict of Nursia (11 July) 11

Benedictus ('Blessed is he who comes') see Eucharistic Prayers

Benedictus ('Blessed be the Lord': Song of Zechariah) - 34, 797; 777 note, Book of Common Prayer 68, 777 note, 809

Bernard (20 August) 12

Bible Sunday (Last Sunday after Trinity), lectionary 575

Biblical references, index of 823-36

Birinus (4 September) 13

Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (8 September) 13

'Bless the Lord' (canticle) 800, 777 note

Blessed Virgin Mary (15 August) - 12 Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 438-9; traditional 511-2 - lectionary 584 - observance 528 note, 529 note - transfer to 8 September 12 - Birth (8 September) 13 - Conception (8 December) 16 - see Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (31 May)

blessings 110 - Evening Prayer, on Sunday 45 - Holy Baptism 363 - Holy Communion 159 note: Order One 183; traditional 227: Order Two 244; contemporary 266 - seasonal provisions 301 - supplementary texts 299 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 37 - Night Prayer 87, 98, 99 note - Thanksgivings 49, 56 - see also Collects; Grace; intercessions; prayers

Bonaventure (15 July) 11

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (9 April) 8

Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton (5 June) 10

Book of Common Prayer - calendar 529 note - table of collects from, used in Common Worship 522-3 - see also Evening Prayer; Holy Communion; lectionary; litanies; Morning Prayer

Booth, William and Catherine (20 August) 12

Bosco, John (31 January) 5

Bray, Thomas (15 February) 6

Breaking of the Bread - Order One 179, traditional 223,334 note, 335 note

Bridget of Sweden (23 July) 11

Brigid (1 February) 6

Bunyan, John (30 August) 12

Butler, Joseph (16 June) 10

Butler, Josephine (30 May) 9

calendar 1-16 - Book of Common Prayer 529 note - Rules 526-33

Calvin, John (26 May) 9

Candlemas see Presentation (2 February) 6

Cantate Domino 76 - Book of Common Prayer 777 note, 812

canticles 778-813 - Holy Communion Order One 330 note - Morning and Evening Prayer 29 note, 41-2, 57 note, 58 note - Service of the Word 26 note

Carlile, Wilson (26 September) 13

Catherine of Alexandria (25 November) 15

Catherine of Siena (29 April) 8

Cavell, Edith (12 October) 14

Cecilia (22 November) 15

Cedd (26 October) 14

Chad (2 March) (also with Cedd, 26 October) 7

Chanel, Peter (28 April) 8

Charles, King and Martyr (30 January) 5

children, prayers at preparation of the table 292

Chisholm, Caroline (16 May) 9

Christ the King (Sunday next before Advent) - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 426; traditional 498 - lectionary 578 - observance 528 note, 529 note - transference 534 note

'Christ the Servant', Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 794

Christening see Holy Baptism

Christmas - calendar 2 - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - confession 123 - lectionary 544-5 - Proper Prefaces from Book of Common Prayer, Holy Communion Order Two 246 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59 - Christmas to Eve of the Epiphany, seasonal provisions 302-3 see entries below

Christmas Day (25 December) 16 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 380-381; traditional 453-4 - lectionary 544

Christmas Eve (24 December) 16 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 379; traditional 452 - lectionary 543

Christmas Night (25 December) - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 380; traditional 453

Christmas, Sundays of Christmas: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 381-2; traditional 454-5

Christ's Glory, Song of 777 note, 799

Chrysostom, prayer of St see St Chrysostom

Circumcision see Naming and Circumcision of Jesus (1 January)

Clare of Assisi (11 August) 12

Clement (23 November) 15

Collects and Post Communions:  contemporary 375-447, traditional 448-521

in services: Evening Prayer 58 note, 79 - Holy Baptism 362 - Holy Communion 159 note; Order One 171, traditional 211; Order Two 233, contemporary 252 - Night Prayer 86, 97 - and other endings for forms of intercession 288-9 - collects from Book of Common Prayer, table of 522-3 - see also particular festivals and seasons

subjects: against all perils 79; commerce and industry 104; Evening 101; for Grace 71; Guidance of the Holy Spirit: general 103, or at Synod or Parochial Church Council meeting 104; ministry of all Christian people 103 note; mission and evangelism 103 note; Morning 101; for Peace 71, 79, 105; personal help 120, 121; purity, 'collect for' (Prayer of Preparation) 168, 249, traditional 208, 229;  Rogation 104; social justice and responsibility 105; Sovereign, the 232, 251; unity of the Church 104-5; vocations 105; workers on land or sea 104; world peace 105 - Trinitarian ending 103 note - use with authorized forms of service 525 note

see also Prayers for various occasions

Columba (9 June) 10

'Come, Holy Ghost' (Veni Creator Spiritus), Form of Preparation 161

Comfortable Words - Form of Preparation 163 - as invitation to confession 331 note - Order Two 238; contemporary 258 - supplementary material 273

Commandments - Form of Preparation for Holy Communion 162-3 - Order One; as invitation to confession 331 note: Order Two 230-32; contemporary 250-51 - supplementary material 269-71

Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) (2 November) 15

commemorations - calendar 5-16, rules governing 531

commitment, affirmation of 152

communion, giving of - Order One 180-82, traditional 224-5;  Order Two 242, contemporary 262 - members of other Churches 159 note - words at 295

Compline see Night Prayer

Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (8 December) 16

confessions - authorized forms 123-34 - Evening Prayer on Sunday 39; Book of Common Prayer 73 - Form of Preparation 165

confessions - at Holy Communion Order One 331 note: Order Two 237; contemporary 257 - supplementary texts 276-8

confessions - invitations to Holy Communion Order One 168-9; traditional 208-9: Order Two 237; contemporary 256 - seasonal provisions see particular festivals and seasons - supplementary texts 275

confessions - Morning Prayer on Sunday 31; Book of Common Prayer 63-4 - Night Prayer 81; traditional 89, 99 note - see also Collects

Confirmation, and Holy Communion 525 note

Contents pages - general v - Holy Communion 157 - Service of the Word, Morning and Evening Prayer, Night Prayer 19

consecration, supplementary 296

Conversion of Paul (25 January) 5 see Paul   

Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury (1 October) 14

Corpus Christi see Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion

Cranmer, Thomas (21 March) 7

Creeds - Holy Communion Order One 173; traditional 213: Order Two 234, contemporary 253 - Introduction to 332 note - as part of corporate renewal of baptismal vows 150-1 - Service of the Word 23, 27 note - see also Affirmations of Faith; Apostles' Creed; Athanasian Creed; Nicene Creed

Crispin and Crispinian (25 October) 14

Cuthbert (20 March or 4 September) 7

Cyprian (15 September) 13

Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria (27 June) 10

Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (18 March) 7

Cyril, Missionary to the Slavs (14 February) 6

David (1 March) 7

David, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 791

Declaration of Assent xi

Dedication Festival - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 446; traditional 520 - lectionary 587 - observance 530 note - transference 534 note

Denys (9 October) 14

Deus misereatur 77 note - Book of Common Prayer 777 note, 813

discipline and self denial, days of - calendar 5-16 - rules governing 531

Dominic (8 August) 12

Donne, John (31 March) 7

Dunstan (19 May) 9

Easter - calendar 3 - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - date (2001-30) 17 - invitations to communion: contemporary 180; traditional 224 - lectionary 557-61 - prayer over baptismal water 367 - Proper Preface from Book of Common Prayer 246 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60 - see entries below

Easter Anthems - Morning Prayer 57 note, 58 note, 80 note, 776 note, 782; Book of Common Prayer 777 note, 805

Easter Day - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 400; traditional 472 - lectionary 558 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Easter Eve - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 399; traditional 471 - lectionary 556 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Easter, Sundays of: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 400-405; traditional 472-7 - to Eve of the Ascension, seasonal provisions 316-17

Easter Vigil, lectionary 557

Eastertide - Holy Communion, Order 1: greeting during 167, 207; dismissal during 183, 227; - rules governing 527

Edmund (20 November) 15

Edward the Confessor (13 October) 14

Elizabeth see Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (31 May) 9

Elizabeth of Hungary (18 November) 15

Ember Days, rules governing 531

Endings and blessings 110

English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era (4 May) 9

Ephrem of Syria (9 June) 10

Epiphany (6 January) 5 - calendar 2 - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 383; traditional 456 - lectionary 545-8 - prayer over baptismal water 365-6 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59

Epiphany, Sundays of Epiphany: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 383-6; traditional 457-9 - to Eve of the Presentation, seasonal provisions 304-5 - transference 534 note

Ethelburga (11 October) 14

Etheldreda (23 June) 10

Eucharist see Holy Communion

Eucharistic Prayers 159 note - Order One 176-7, 184-205; Prayer A 177, 184-7; Prayer B 188-90; Prayer C 191-93; Prayer D 177, 194-5; Prayer E 196-7; Prayer F 177, 198-200; Prayer G 177, 201-3; Prayer H 177, 204-5; traditional 216-21: Prayer A 216-18; Prayer C 219-21 - Order Two: alternative order 335 note; 240-41; contemporary 261

Eucharistic Prefaces - Order One 294, 300-329; traditional 300-329; use of 333 note - Order Two 246-7, 300-329; contemporary 300-329 - Proper Prefaces from Book of Common Prayer 246-7 - short and extended 333 note - use of 333 note - for Holy Baptism 362 - see also particular festivals and seasons

Evening Prayer - 38-45, notes 29, 57-8;  opening hymns or canticles at 783-5, other canticles at 792-96, Gospel canticle (Magnificat) at 798, Thanksgivings for use at, on Sundays 46-56, note 58;  - Book of Common Prayer 72-9, canticles at 811-13 permitted variations to, in Common Worship 80 - notes: on festivals 528, on lesser festivals 530, on commemoration days 531

exhortations - Holy Communion: Form of Preparation 161; Order Two: contemporary 256; supplementary texts 128; use of 331 note - Third Exhortation from Book of Common Prayer 245

Ezekiel, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 791

Faith, Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 795

Felicity, Perpetua and their Companions (7 March) 7

Felix (8 March) 7

Ferard, Elizabeth (18 July) 11

Ferrar, Nicholas (4 December) 16

festivals see Holy Days

Fisher, John (6 July) 11

Foucauld, Charles de (1 December) 16

Fox, George (13 January) 5

Francis of Assisi (4 October) 14

Francis de Sales (24 January) 5

Fry, Elizabeth (12 October) 14

Gardiner, Allen (6 September) 13

General Thanksgiving 109 - use at service without communion 334 note

George (23 April) 8 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 430; traditional 503 - lectionary 580 - observance 528 note, 529 note - transference 534 note

Gilbert of Sempringham (4 February) 6

Giles of Provence (1 September) 13

Gilmore, Isabella (16 April) 8

Gloria in Excelsis - Order One 171; traditional 211; use of 331 note: Order Two 244; contemporary 265; use of 335 note

'Glory and honour' (canticle) 777 note, 794

godparents see parents and godparents

God's Children, Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 796

Good Friday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 399; traditional 471 - lectionary 556 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59

Gore, Charles (17 January) 5

Gospel acclamations - for Ordinary Time 280 - seasonal provisions 300-328

Gospel readings - Holy Baptism 351 - Order One 172; traditional 212; use of 332 note - Order Two 233; contemporary 252

Grace, the (2 Cor 13.13) contemporary 37, 45; 27 note - traditional 71, 79, 121 - use to end service without communion 334 note

'Great and wonderful' (canticle) 777 note, 800

greetings - Holy Baptism 349 - Holy Communion 331 note; contemporary 159 note; traditional 207

Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (19 July) 11

Gregory of Nazianzus (2 January) 5

Gregory the Great (3 September) 13

Grosseteste, Robert (9 October) 14

Hannington, James (29 October) 14

Harvest - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 447; traditional 521 - confessions 126 - lectionary 588 - observance 530 note - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60 - transference 534 note

Helena (21 May) 9

Herbert, George (27 February) 6

Hilary (13 January) 5

Hilda (19 November) 15

Hildegard (17 September) 13

Hill, Octavia (13 August) 12

Hilton, Walter (24 March) 7

Holy Baptism 344-73 - and Holy Communion 346-7, 525 note - without Holy Communion, structure of service 348

Holy Communion 155-336 - Form of Preparation 161-65 - Order One 167-205; traditional 207-27; structure 166 - Order Two 229-47; contemporary 249-66; structure 228 - seasonal provisions 300-329 - supplementary texts 268-99; notes: general 158-9; on specific matters 330-35 - on festivals and Principal Feasts 528 - celebration with Service of the Word 25, 27 - collects and readings at 525, 540 - and Confirmation 525 - and Holy Baptism 346-7, 362, 525 - and Marriages 525- ministries in 158-9 - and Ordinations 525;

see also blessings; Communion, Giving of;  intercession; peace; prayers after communion; prayers of penitence; preparation of the table

Holy Communion, Thanksgiving for Institution see Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion (Corpus Christi)

Holy Cross Day (14 September) 13 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 440; traditional 513 - lectionary 585 - observance 528 note

Holy Days (Festivals and Lesser Festivals) - calendar 5-16 - Collects and Post Communions: contemporary 427-46; traditional 499-520 - rules governing 528-30, transferences, table of 534

Holy Innocents (28 December) 16 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 445; traditional 519 - lectionary 587 - observance 528 note

Holy Scriptures, Rules for reading 539-41 note

Holy Week, lectionary 554-6

Hooker, Richard (3 November) 15

Hugh (17 November) 15

Humility, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 789

hymns - at Evening Prayer 57 note - Holy Communion 330 note - Morning Prayer 57 note - use with authorized forms of service 525 note

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch (17 October) 14

Ignatius of Loyola (31 July) 11

Ini Kopuria (6 June) 10

intercession 332 note - Holy Communion Order One 174; traditional 214: Order Two 236; contemporary 255 - supplementary forms of 281-9 - 58 note - at Evening Prayer on Sunday 44; at Morning Prayer on Sunday 36 - see also collects; litanies; prayers

Irenæus (28 June) 10

James (25 July) 11 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 437; traditional 510 - lectionary 540 note, 583 - observance 528 note

James and Philip see Philip and James (1 May) 9

James the Deacon (11 October) 14

Jebb, Eglantyne (17 December) 16

Jerome (30 September) 13

Joachim (26 July) 11

Joan of Arc (30 May) 9

John (27 December) 16 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 444; traditional 518 - lectionary 587 - observance 528 note

John the Baptist, Birth of (24 June) 10 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 434; traditional 507 - lectionary 582 - observance 528 note - Beheading (29 August) 12

John Chrysostom (13 September) 13

John of Damascus (4 December) 16

John of the Cross (14 December) 16

Johnson, Samuel (13 December) 16

Joseph of Nazareth (19 March) 7 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 428-9; traditional 501 - lectionary 579 - observance 528 note - transference 534 note

Jubilate (Song of Joy) - Morning Prayer 57 note, 68, 776 note, 781: Book of Common Prayer 777 note, 810

Jude see Simon and Jude (28 October) 14

Julian of Norwich (8 May) 9

Justin (1 June) 10

Keble, John (14 July) 11

Kempe, Margery (9 November) 15

Ken, Thomas (8 June) 10

Kennedy, Geoffrey Studdert (8 March) 7

Kentigern (Mungo) (13 January) 5

King, Edward (8 March) 7

Kivebulaya, Apolo (30 May) 9

Kolbe, Maximilian (14 August) 12

Kyrie eleison - Holy Communion Order One 331 note: 170; traditional 210; Order Two, 232 - use with confessions 133-4

Lamb, Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 796

Lanfranc (28 May) 9

Latimer, Hugh (16 October) 14

Laud, William (10 January) 5

Laurence (10 August) 12

Law, William (10 April) 8

Lazarus (29 July) 11

lectionary 542-90 - annual cycles, tables of 538 - rules governing 539-41

Lent - calendar 3 - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - confessions 124 - Gospel acclamations, on Saints' days 328 - lectionary 540 note, 551-56 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59 - see also Lent, Sundays before; Lent, Sundays of

Lent 1 530 note

Lent 5 530 note - to Wednesday of Holy Week, seasonal provisions 312-13

Lent, Sundays before: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 387-91; traditional 460-63 - extended Eucharistic Preface 294 - lectionary 541 note, 550

Lent, Sundays of Lent: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 393-7; traditional 465-9

Leo the Great (10 November) 15

Leonard (6 November) 15

Lesser Festivals - calendar 5-16, rules governing 530

Light, Song of the ('Phos hilaron'), use at Evening Prayer 58 note, 783

litanies 111-14 - Book of Common Prayer 115-21 - Holy Communion, supplementary texts 284-7 - see also confessions; intercessions; prayers

liturgical colours, use of 532-3

local celebrations - calendar 5-16,  rules governing 530, transferences, table of 534

Lord's Prayer - contemporary 36, 44, 178, 263, 342 - modified traditional 36, 44, 222, 263, 343 - Book of Common Prayer 64, 70, 74, 78, 96, 120, 229, 242 - alternative text 106 notes: Holy Communion Order One 333, Order Two 335

Lord's Supper see Holy Communion

Lowder, Charles Fuge (9 September) 13

Lucy (13 December) 16

Luke (18 October) 14 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 442; traditional 515 - lectionary 586 - observance 528 note

Luther, Martin (31 October) 14

Luwum, Janani (17 February) 6

Macrina (19 July) 11

Magnificat (Song of Mary) 42, 777 note, 798 Book of Common Prayer 76, 777 note, 811

Margaret, Queen of Scotland (16 November) 15

Margaret of Antioch (20 July) 11

Mark (25 April) 8 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 431; traditional 504 - lectionary 580 - observance 528 note, 529 note - transference 534 note

Marriages, on Principal Feasts 525 note

Martha (29 July) 11

Martin, Bishop of Tours (11 November) 15

Martin of Porres (3 November) 15

Martyn, Henry (19 October) 14

Martyrs of Japan, 1597 (6 February) 6

Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901 and 1942 (2 September) 13

Martyrs of Uganda, 1886 and 1978 (3 June) 10

Mary see Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, Companion of Our Lord (29 July) 11

Mary Magdalene (22 July) 11 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 436-7; traditional 509-10 - lectionary 583 - observance 528 note

Matthew (21 September) 13 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 440; traditional 513 - lectionary 585 - observance 528 note

Matthias (14 May) 9 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 432; traditional 505 - lectionary 540 note, 581 - observance 528 note - transfer to 24 February 6, 9

Maundy Thursday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 398; traditional 470-71 - lectionary 555 - seasonal provisions 314-15

Maurice, Frederick Denison (1 April) 8

Mechtild (19 November) 15

Mellitus (24 April) 8

Messiah, Song of the, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 787

Methodius (14 February) 6

Michael and All Angels (29 September) 13 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 441; traditional 514 - lectionary 585 - observance 528 note

ministries, at Holy Communion 159 note

Missionary Work of the Church, Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for (29 November) 15

Mizeki, Bernard (18 June) 10

Monica (27 August) 12

Monsell, Harriet (26 March) 7

More, Thomas (6 July) 11

Morning Prayer - 30-37, notes 29, 57-8;  opening hymns or canticles at 778-82, other canticles at 786-791, Gospel canticle (Benedictus) at 797, Thanksgivings for use at, on Sundays 46-56, note 58;  - Book of Common Prayer 62-71, canticles at 804-10 permitted variations to, in Common Worship 80 - notes: on festivals 528, on lesser festivals 530, on commemoration days 531

Moses and Miriam, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 58 note, 776 note, 790

Mothering Sunday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 396; traditional 468 - lectionary 553 - observance of 396, 468

Naming and Circumcision of Jesus (1 January) 5 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 427; traditional 499 - lectionary 579 - observance 528 note

Neale, John Mason (7 August) 12

Neri, Philip (26 May) 9

New Jerusalem, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 788

Newman, John Henry (11 August) 12

Nicene Creed - alternative text for ecumenical use 140 - Holy Communion Order One 173; traditional 213: Order Two 234; contemporary 253 - responsorial use of 138-9 - see also Creeds

Nicholas (6 December) 16

Night Prayer - 81-7, traditional 88-98 - Gospel canticle (Nunc dimittis) at 86, 799, traditional 95, 813 - 99 notes

Nightingale, Florence (13 August) 12

Ninian (16 September) 13

non-communicants 334 note

Nunc dimittis - Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 77, Night Prayer 86, 799; traditional 95, 813

O Sapientia (17 December) 16

Offertory - Holy Communion 330 note: Order Two 235

Old Testament readings, for Sundays in Eastertide 558

Ordinary Time - calendar 2, 4 - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - lectionary 540 note, 548-50, 563-78 - observance 532 - see also Advent, Sundays before; Lent, Sundays before; Pentecost, weekdays after; Presentation (Candlemas; 2 February); Trinity, Sundays after

Ordinations, and Holy Communion 525 note

Osmund (16 July) 11

Oswald (5 August) 12

Palm Sunday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 397; traditional 470 - lectionary 554 - and Patronal and Dedication Festivals 530 note - to Trinity Sunday, Service of the Word, readings 27 note

parents and godparents, at Holy Baptism 352-8

Passiontide - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 396-9; traditional 469-71 - seasonal provision 312-13 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 59

Patrick (17 March) 7

Patronal Festivals 528 note - transference 534 note

Patteson, John Coleridge, 1871 (20 September) 13

Paul, Conversion (25 January) 5 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 427-8; traditional 500 - lectionary 540 note, 579 - observance 528 note - Paul and Peter see Peter and Paul (29 June)

Paulinus (10 October) 14

Peace 159 note - Evening Prayer on Sunday 45 - Holy Communion Order One 333 note, 334 note: 175; traditional 215: Order Two 335 note - introductions, supplementary texts 290 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 37 - Service of the Word 26 note, 27 note - see also particular festivals and seasons

penitential material see prayers of penitence

Pentecost - canticles for Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 405; traditional 477 - date (2001-30) 17 - lectionary 540 note, 562 - prayer over baptismal water 367 - Proper Prefaces from Book of Common Prayer 247 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Pentecost, weekdays after Pentecost: Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 406; traditional 478

Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions (7 March) 7

Peter and Paul or Peter alone (29 June) 10 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 435; traditional 508 - lectionary 582 - observance 528 note

Petroc (4 June) 10

Philip and James (1 May) 9 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 431; traditional 504 - lectionary 580 - observance 528 note, 529 note

Phos hilaron (Song of the Light), use at Evening Prayer 58 note, 776 note, 783

Polycarp (23 February) 6

Post Communions see Collect and Post Communion

posture - Holy Communion Order One 330 note: Order Two 335 note - rules, in authorized forms of service 525 note

Praise, Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 794

Prayer of Humble Access - Order One 181; traditional 225: Order Two 335 note: 240; contemporary 260

Prayer of Oblation - Order Two 243; contemporary 264

Prayer of Preparation - Order One 168; traditional 208: Order Two 229; contemporary 249

Prayer of Thanksgiving - Order Two 243: supplementary texts 298

Prayers for various occasions 101-5: for Bishops and other pastors, Dedication, Evening, Guidance of the Holy Spirit, Morning, Peace of the World, Royal Family, Social Justice and Responsibility, Sovereign, Those who Govern, Vocations to the Church's Ministry, Workers on land or sea, in commerce or industry;  all Christian people, 410, 482; mission and evangelism 416, 488 - endings of 103 note;  final prayers or blessings 110 - Morning and Evening collects, use of 58 note - Night Prayer, collect 86, traditional 97 from The Book of Common Prayer 107-9: Clergy and People, General Thanksgiving, Queen's Majesty, Royal Family, of St Chrysostom - see also blessings; collects; confessions; Grace; intercessions; litanies; Lord's Prayer; Peace; Prayer of Preparation; thanksgivings

prayers after Communion 334 note - baptism, supplementary texts 297 - fellowship with Christ, supplementary texts 298 - Order One 182; traditional 226: Order Two 243; contemporary 264-5 - supplementary texts 297-8

prayers of penitence - Evening Prayer on Sunday 39-40 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 31-2 - Service of the Word 23, 26 note - penitential sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 61, 80 note

prayers of penitence in Holy Communion - Order One 331 note: 168-70; traditional 208-10: Order Two 237-8; contemporary 256 - supplementary texts 268-79

Preface ix

Preparation for Holy Communion, Form of 161-65

preparation of the table - Order One 175; traditional 215 - prayers for use at 291-3 - notes 330, 333

Presentation (Candlemas; 2 February) 6 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 386; traditional 459 - lectionary 540 note, 541 note, 548 - seasonal provisions 306-7 - transference 534 note

principal feasts and principal holy days - calendar 5-16 - rules governing 526-7, transferences, table of 534

Psalms - Psalter 593-773 - alternative psalmody for the Principal Service Lectionary 589 table - alternative psalmody for the Second Service Lectionary 590 table - Evening Prayer: Book of Common Prayer 75; on Sunday 41 - Holy Communion 330 note - Morning Prayer: Book of Common Prayer 66; on Sunday 33 - Night Prayer contemporary 82-4; traditional 91-3, 99 note - reading 539 note

Pusey, Edward Bouverie (16 September) 13

Queen, see Royal prayers

Ramabai, Pandita Mary (30 April) 8

readings - Holy Baptism 351 - Holy Communion Order One 332 note: contemporary 172; traditional 212: Order Two: traditional 233; contemporary 252

Redemption, Song of, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 793

Remembrance Sunday 424 note, 496 note, 497 note

Remigius (1 October) 14

Resurrection, Commemoration of, at Morning Prayer 58 note

Rich, Edmund (16 November) 15

Richard (16 June) 10

Ridley, Nicholas (16 October) 14

Rogation prayers 104

Rolle, Richard (20 January) 5

Romero, Oscar (24 March) 7

Rossetti, Christina (27 April) 8

Royal prayers (including Royal Family) 101, 102, 107, 113, 117, 232, 236, 251, 281, 283, 285, 286

rules - authorized forms of service, regulation of 525-34 - Christian Year, ordering of 526-33 - general 525 - psalter and Scripture, reading of 539-41

St Chrysostom, prayer of 108, 121

saints' days -  calendar 5-16 - seasonal provisions 328-9 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Saints and Martyrs of England (8 November) 15

Sanctus ('Holy, holy, holy Lord') - Order One 176, 185, 188, 191, 194, 196, 201, 205; traditional 217, 219: Order Two 239; contemporary 259 - see also Eucharistic Prayers

Saturdays, use of collects 375 note

'Saviour of the World' (canticle) 777 note, 801

Scholastica (10 February) 6

Seabury, Samuel (14 November) 15

seasonal material, Night Prayer 99 note

seasonal provisions, for Holy Communion 300-29

seasons, calendar 2-4

self denial and discipline, days, observance of 531 note

Sellon, Priscilla Lydia (20 November) 15

Selwyn, George Augustus (11 April) 8

sentences - Holy Communion 330 note - Morning and Evening Prayer 57 note: Book of Common Prayer 59-61, 80 note

Seraphim (2 January) 5

Sergei (25 September) 13

sermons - Evening Prayer on Sunday 42 - Holy Baptism 351 - Holy Communion 159 note: Order One 332 note 172; traditional 212: Order Two 335 note: 235; contemporary 254 - Morning Prayer on Sunday 34 - Service of the Word 21-2

Service of the Word 19-27

services without Communion 334 note

Sigfrid (15 February) 6

silence - in authorized forms of service 525 note - Holy Communion: Form of Preparation 164; Order One 331 note

Simeon, Charles (13 November) 15

Simon and Jude (28 October) 14 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 442; traditional 515 - lectionary 586 - observance 528 note

Singh, Sundar (19 June) 10

Slessor, Mary (11 January) 5

songs see hymns

Sovereign, prayers for see Royal prayers

Spirit, Song of the, use at Evening Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 792

Sponsors, at Holy Baptism 352-4

Stephen (26 December) 16 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 443-4; traditional 517 - lectionary 540 note, 586 - observance 528 note

structures - Holy Baptism 346-7 apart from Holy Communion 348 - Holy Communion: Order One 166, Order Two 228 - Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child 338

Summary of the Law - Form of Preparation 163 - Order One 331 note 168; traditional 208: Order Two 231; contemporary 250 note - penitential material, supplementary material 268

Sumner, Mary (9 August) 12

Sundays after Trinity see Trinity, Sundays after

Sundays before Advent see Advent, Sundays before

Sundays before Lent see Lent, Sundays before

supplementary consecration at Holy Communion 296

supplementary texts see blessings;  Communion, giving of; intercession;  peace; prayers after communion;  prayers of penitence; preparation of the table

Swithun (15 July) 11

Tables - calendar 2-16 - collects from Book of Common Prayer used in Common Worship 522-3 - date of Easter and other variable dates 17 - holy days, transferences of 534 - lectionary:  542-588; Principal Service alternative psalmody 589; Second Service alternative psalmody 590

taking of bread and wine - Order One 333 note: contemporary 175; traditional 215

Taylor, Jeremy (13 August) 12

Temple, William (6 November) 15

Teresa of Avila (15 October) 14

Te Deum (Song of the Church) - on Sunday 802-3; 58 note, Book of Common Prayer 67, 777 note, 806

texts, use of traditional versions 330 note

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child 337-43

Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion (Corpus Christi) - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 407; traditional 479 - lectionary 563 - observance 529 note - transference 534 note

Thanksgivings - Morning and Evening Prayer: for Church's healing ministry 50-53; for Church's Mission 54-6; for Holy Baptism 48-9; for use at 58 note; for the Word 46-7 - see also Collects; intercessions; prayers

Theodore of Tarsus (19 September) 13

Thomas (3 July) - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 436; traditional 509 - lectionary 583 - observance 528 note - transfer to 21 December 11

Thomas Aquinas (28 January) 5

Time of Trouble, seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Timothy and Titus (26 January) 5

Traherne, Thomas (10 October) 14

transferences of Holy Days - rules 526-30, table of 534

Transfiguration (6 August) 12 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 438; traditional 511 - confessions 125 - lectionary 584 - observance 528 note

Trinity Sunday - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 406-7; traditional 478-9 - confessions 125 - lectionary 540 note, 563 - prayer over baptismal water 365-6 - Proper Prefaces from Book of Common Prayer, Order Two: traditional 247 - seasonal provisions 322-3 - seasonal sentences, Morning and Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer 60

Trinity, Sundays after - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 408-22; traditional 480-94 - extended Eucharistic Prefaces 294 - lectionary 541 note

Tyndale, William (6 October) 14

Underhill, Evelyn (15 June) 10

Valentine (14 February) 6

Venite (Song of Triumph) 57 note, 65-6, 80 note, 776 note, 780 - Book of Common Prayer 777 note, 804

Venn, Henry, Henry the younger, and John (1 July) 11

Vianney, Jean-Baptiste (4 August) 12

Vincent de Paul (27 September) 13

Vincent of Saragossa (22 January) 5

Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (31 May) 9 - Collect and Post Communion: contemporary 432-3; traditional 505-6 - lectionary 581 - observance 528 note - transfer to 2 July 9 - see also Blessed Virgin Mary

Watts, Isaac (25 November) 15

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January) 5

Wesley, John and Charles (24 May) 9

Westcott, Brooke Foss (27 July) 11

Whit Sunday see Pentecost

Wilberforce, William (30 July) 11

Wilderness, Song of, use at Morning Prayer 57 note, 776 note, 786

Wilfrid (12 October) 14

William of Ockham (10 April) 8

Willibrord (7 November) 15

Wulfstan (19 January) 5

Wyclif, John (31 December) 16

Wynfrith (Boniface) of Crediton (5 June) 10

Xavier, Francis (3 December) 16

© The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2000-2004
All of the official Common Worship publications are being published by Church House Publishing.