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Errata Sheet

The following is a list of errata which will be corrected in reprints of the Common Worship books. It is made available for your convenience.

Main Volume

Page, Comment

(v), Main Contents page, 2 lines up from foot of page: Index of Biblical References begins on page 823, not 824.

16, Calendar, 17 December: correct spelling of 'Eglantine' to Eglantyne.

33 and 41, Remove indents in responsory - all lines to be full out.

36, Introduction to first version of Lord's Prayer: delete 'has' from second line of introduction. Should read: 'as our Saviour taught us, so we pray'.

44, Same action as page 36 (previous entry).

47, 4 lines up (first line of bold response): delete both commas.

48, Ninth line up from foot of page: delete comma after 'Spirit'.

53, Responsory cf Psalm 34: delete comma after 'Father' in Gloria (4th line from end).

68, Benedictus, v. 11: delete hyphen from "day-spring" (cf page 809).

84, 86, Gloria: insert All in margin before first line; print Gloria text in bold.

85, In both responsories: delete both commas from Gloria and break line after 'Son', to give: Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

99, Point 6: change heading from "Blessing" to "The Conclusion".

101, Prayer for the Sovereign: 5th line (beginning 'in wisdom and equity') should be indented, to match p. 491 of Daily Prayer.

134, Red italic ranged-right heading at top of page should be changed from "Word" to read "World".

144, Rubric at top of page: in second line, delete words 'the following forms of the Creeds and'.

183, Rubric "The president may use the seasonal blessing" etc: change "the" to "a".

184, Rubric after Prayer A heading: capitalize "extended".

184, Rubric halfway down page: capitalize "short".

188, Rubric after Prayer B heading: capitalize "extended".

196, First rubric on page: capitalize "extended".

216, Rubric halfway down page: capitalize "short".

227, As last item.

257, Rubric at top of page: insert a comma after "page 276".

266, Last line of blessing: delete comma after "you".

273, Second set of Comfortable Words, in traditional language: in quotes from Timothy and 1 John, insert "also" after "Hear", i.e. "Hear also . . .".

304 and 310, First item on page: delete indent to third line.

318, First item on page: delete indent to second line.

320, Short preface: in both contemporary and traditional versions, revise lining out of last line as follows:that through his glorious power the joy of the everlasting gospel might go forth into all the world.

327, First line of Extended Preface, top of page: insert a comma after "joy".

335, Note 24: capitalize "confession" and "absolution".

337, Bullet points 4 and 6: capitalize "baptism" to match Pastoral p. 200.

345, Insert line space before second paragraph.

345, Pastoral Introduction to Holy Baptism, second para, line 8: amend to read, 'by water and the Spirit. This reminds us of Jesus' baptism.'

352, 6 lines up: italicize the word "their".

363, Last line of blessing should read "be among you and remain with you always".

547, Epiphany 3 Second Service, Year C: add asterisk following Psalm 33 (as in Years A and B).

556, Good Friday, Second Service: change John ref to read 'John 19.38-end'.

561, Ascension Day lectionary: last line of page, Years A, B and C, should read Psalms 110, 150

561, Easter 6, Year B, Second Service: change Revelation ref to read 'Revelation 3.14-end'.

566, Proper 8, Year C, Related: the reference to 1 Kings should read, '1 Kings 19.15-16, 19-21'.

573, Proper 22: change Related psalmody ref to read Psalm 80.9-17

574, Proper 25, Year A, Second Service: 8 lines up from foot of page, delete "s" from "Psalms".

574, Proper 24, Principal Service (Continuous): delete asterisk after Psalm 99.

578, Christ the King: delete asterisk from Year A column, Ps 95.1-7

580, Annunciation: change psalm ref in left column to read Psalm 40.5-11

581, Matthias, Principal Service: delete the repetition of "Principal Service" in black ordinary type below the red heading and before Isaiah 22 ref. Raise remaining lines of list to compensate.

586, Simon and Jude, Principal Service: change John ref to read 'John 15.17-end'.

589, Delete whole of last line of this table

589, Proper 14, Year C: Second reference should read 33.12-21.

589, Proper 24, Year A: delete the entry '99' from the table.

606, Psalm 16.3: run first two lines into one, i.e. Though the idols are legion that many run after, *

606, Ps. 16: last line of verse 3 should be indented.

614, Psalm 21, v. 11: second line should be full out and third line indented.

779, Benedicite (shorter version): insert Bible reference at end: The Song of the Three 35-37, 60-65

795, A Song of Faith: revise lining out of verse 4 as follows: Who are being protected by the power of God through faith, [?]for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

796, A Song of the Lamb: add '2a' to Bible reference. The Song of Christ's Glory: delete comma after 'Jesus' in verse 5.

816, Last two items of second bulleted list should be moved down to third bulleted list, and become third and fourth items in that list.

816, Third paragraph: amend/delete italicised text: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod pursuant to Canon B 2 of the Canons of the Church of England and is published with the agreement of the House: To read as follows: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod for use by the minister in exercise of his or her discretion under Canon B 5 of the Canons of the Church of England:

816, Fifth paragraph, beginning 'Under Canon B 4': delete whole paragraph.

820, In Continuum section: delete ', and the Blessed Virgin Mary (p. 438),'.

821, Last para of page: title of prayer in first line should read "Almighty God, long-suffering and of great goodness . . .", and the page reference in the second line should be 132.

827, First item in second column should be taken back to end of firstcolumn, and second column raised to align at foot with other columns on page.

838, Index: 7 lines up, change "(1 January)" to (First Sunday of Epiphany).

840, Lefthand column, 19 lines down: bold comma after page reference should be changed to roman. Also, 17 lines up: hyphen in page reference should be changed to an en dash.

841, Index: entry for Easter Eve, delete "and Post Communion".

842, Entry for Evening Prayer at foot of lefthand column: seven occurrences of hyphens used in error in bold page references should be changed to en dashes.

843, Index: entry for Good Friday, delete "and Post Communion".

845, Lefthand column: in line beginning "local celebrations", hyphen in first bold page reference should be changed to en dash.

846, Lefthand column: in Morning Prayer item, three commas and one semicolon attached to bold page references should be changed from bold to roman.

847, Righthand column, 14 lines up: insert long spaced dash between "97" and "from The BCP".

To match Daily Prayer, remove indents from second line of first verse of Psalms 106, 111, 112, 113, 135, 147, 148, 149, 150.

President's edition

Page, Comment

Verso, Add "Music typeset by Alistair Warwick"

15, Commission. The text provided should normally be used; however it may be paraphrased by the minister if pastoral circumstances require. Alternatively its contents may be included in the sermon.

51, 2 Epiphany etc: in first column, change Psalm 146.5-9 to 146.4-8.

62, (Erratum slip) At the end of Note 2 insert "Whenever Holy Baptism is administered there shall be a sermon."

65, (Erratum slip) After Note 14 insert the following Note and renumber the remaining Notes.

550, Rubric at foot of page: cross-ref should read (see pages 564 - 623).

606, Additional Short Preface for Any Saint (traditional): add missing first line - "And now we give thee thanks".

621, Invitation to Communion, foot of page: change line 3 to read "Blessed are those who are called to his supper".

687, Text under 7th line of music should read 'Through him thou hast made us a people for thine own possession'.

779, Third paragraph: amend/delete highlighted text: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod pursuant to Canon B 2 of the Canons of the Church of England and is published with the agreement of the House: To read as follows: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod for use by the minister in exercise of his or her discretion under Canon B 5 of the Canons of the Church of England.

779, Fifth paragraph, beginning 'Under Canon B 4': delete whole paragraph.

Pastoral Services

Page, Comment

38, Insert heading The Lord's Prayer above heading 'Breaking of the Bread', in matching style.

39, Insert heading Blessing (black bold roman ranged right) immediately after red heading 'The Dismissal'; also insert heading The Dismissal (black bold roman ranged right) after the text of the blessing as the final item of the service.

44, Old Testament reading under Pentecost heading should read Isaiah 61.1-3

250, Psalm prayer for Psalm 27: add comma at end of line 2, i.e. "wisdom,"; delete comma at end of line 3, i.e. "on you".

256, Change last line of first para to " . . . there is new life in Christ after death".

285, Invitation to Communion: change third line to read "Blessed are those who are called to his supper".

340 and 341, The prayer that begins at the foot of p. 340 should be conformed to the version of the same prayer that appears as no. 66 on p. 371 (i.e. p. 371 is the correct version).

390, Psalm 130 to be added to the list of psalms on this page.

399 and 400, Add red diamonds at end of first line of doxology; cf MV pp. 794, 796.

400, Heading "A Song of the Lamb" should be right justified.

402, Add to General Rules Point 9 on page 525 of Main Volume.

404, First paragraph: amend/delete italicised text: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod pursuant to Canon B 2 of the Canons of the Church of England and is published with the agreement of the House: To read as follows: The following material has been commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod for use by the minister in exercise of his or her discretion under Canon B 5 of the Canons of the Church of England:

404, Final paragraph, beginning 'Under Canon B 4': delete whole paragraph.

Daily Prayer

Page, Comment

iv, Imprint page: printer's details should read: 'Printed in the EU and bound by Cambridge University Press.'

ix, Third line down after heading 'What to Read': clarify comma after word 'hand'.

xi, 7 lines down: insert a comma after 'pot'.

16, Calendar, 17 December: correct spelling from 'Eglantine' to 'Eglantyne'.

117, Heading 'Preparation': should be larger and less far to the right, as in heading 'The Conclusion' on facing page.

228, Insert '(alt.)' after J M Neale's name.

239, Second response: insert comma at end of first line and change capital L at beginning of second line to lower case, to match p. 233.

277, The responsory (Thanksgivings) should be given the same treatment (MV page 53 also).

282, Four lines of text up from foot of page: delete full stop at end of line 'The peace of the Lord be always with you'.

291, 'The Blessing of the Light', 3rd line of note at top of page, and red italic heading at mid-page: delete second 'the' to bring into line with page 84.

307, (also applies to page 85 of MV), 5th and 14th lines up from foot of page: delete both commas from these lines and break them after 'Son' to match occurrences elsewhere.

359, Red numbers 1 - 5 at lefthand margin: these should be bold.

595, Ps. 16: last line of verse 3 should be indented.

614, Insert stanza break between verses 6 and 7 of Psalm 28 (cf Psalter in Main Volume, p. 623). Note: there is not enough space on page 614 in the present edition to allow this correction to be made, but it should be made in the future definitive edition.

779, Benedicite (shorter version): insert Bible reference at end: The Song of the Three 35-37, 60-65

795, A Song of Faith: revise lining out of verse 4 as follows: Who are being protected by the power of God through faith, [?] for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

796, A Song of the Lamb: add '2a' to Bible reference.

799, The Song of Christ's Glory: delete comma after 'Jesus' in verse 5.

On the following pages the word 'has' should be deleted from the first introduction to the Lord's Prayer so that it reads: ' . . . as our Saviour taught us, so we pray'.

93, 98, 104, 110, 116, 121, 128, 134, 140, 146, 152, 158, 164, 170, 177, 183, 190, 196, 201, 207, 214, 219, 226, 232, 238, 244, 250, 256, 261, 268, 296.

Responsories in Morning and Evening Prayer: where these include the line 'Glory to the Father and to the Son', in some cases there is a comma after 'Father'. This comma should be deleted in these cases. Occurrences are on the following pages:

96, 102, 108, 114, 119, 126, 132, 150, 162, 168, 217, 242.

New Patterns for Worship

Page, Comment

107, Module 3, week 2: Genesis reference should read simply 'Genesis 13'.

110, Module 9, week 6: Exodus reference should read simply 'Exodus 11'.

112, Module 16, week 4: psalm reference should read '119.81-88'.

122, Module 45, week 2: psalm reference should read '7.9-end'.

161, Item E2: in first stanza, line 3 ('maker of heaven and earth') should be bold, and 'All' should be raised to the level of that line (cf MV p. 139).

226, Item G25, red category heading in margin: change '(morning)' to read (evening).

276, Item H35: amend Scripture reference to read 'cf Colossians 3.14,15'.

422 Final prayer on this page: third line of prayer should read 'thank you God for the joys they have shared with us;'.

277, Item H41: add '; 3.13' to reference so that it reads cf 1 Thessalonians 5.23; 3.13

483, Section on ICEL: second line should read 'International Commission'.

483, Acknowledgements, Jubilate Hymns entry, 4th line from end: delete superfluous 'o' from 'Northwood'.

483, Three lines up from foot of page: 'I17' should read I7.

484, Add acknowledgement of item E8 on pages 164-5: The Rt Revd Timothy Dudley-Smith: A Voice of Singing (Hodder & Stoughton 1993) E8

? The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2000-2004
All of the official Common Worship publications are being published by Church House Publishing.