Project Canterbury

Sermons Preached on Various Occasions
by James de Koven, D.D.

with an Introduction by Morgan Dix, S.T.D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1880.

Preface by Morgan Dix

I. Spiritual Blindness
II. Tempting Christ
III. The Good Shepherd
IV. Christian Hope
V. The Church of the Living God
VI. Christian Education
VII. The Dead in Christ
VIII. Sin And Its Consequences
IX. Self-Knowledge
X. The Life-Giving Presence of the Incarnate Saviour
XI. The Unity of Christendom
XII. The Hidden Life
XIII. The Fullness of Joy
XIV. Unconscious Influence
XV. The Gates of the Invisible
XVI. The Indwelling of Christ
XVII. The Temple of the Living God
XVIII. The Living One
XIX. The Christian Struggle
XX. The Strife of Tongues
XXI. In Loving Memory
XXII. Men Of Understanding
XXIV. The Mission of the Church of God
XXV. The Signs of the Times
XXVI. Lost Opportunities
XXVII. Gathering Up the Fragments
XXVIII. Treasures New And Old
XXIX. Twenty-Five Years of the Work of Racine College
XXX. The Victory of Faith

Project Canterbury