#! /bin/sh # # This program reads one of James Kiefer's BIO messages and formats it # into a web page. # # Brian Reid, in odds and ends of leftover time, January 1998 # # Notes: there's still a conflict between the capitalization corrector # and the pragmat parsers. They are getting capital-repaired before they # are parsed. Still to do: add accented members of ISO LATIN 1 to gwords # generator, so we can use umlauts in headings. Also, the NT/OT capitalizer # is not working. Look for brain damage. # ####################################################################### # "documentation", such as it is. # # LineMode[n] is "quote", "verse", "preformatted", "deleted", or undefined. # # Algorithm is 2.5 pass. First pass builds array "LText". Then we mess with # it. Then we write it out as html. PATH=:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/Hughes/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin: export PATH awk -v TOPHEAD=3 ' # concatenate the words in "Array" into a single string. function wordcat(Array) { N=-1; for (i in Array) {if (i > N) N=i}; Out=""; for (i=1; i<=N; i++) { if (i > 1) Out = Out " "; Out = Out Array[i]; } return(Out); } # count the number of instances of a character in a string function NumInst(word,chr) { nk=0; for (m=1; m<=length(word); m++) { if (substr(word,m,1)==chr) nk++ } return(nk); } # return True if a word is in all capitals. Returns zero if it has a # lowercase letter, 1 if it is all numbers and punctuation, and 2 if it # has actual capital letters in it. function isAllcap(word) { if (w[k]!=toupper(w[k])) return(0); ww=w[k]; for (gx=1; gx<=length(ww); gx++) { if (uc[substr(ww,gx,1)]) return(2); } return(1); } # squeeze out all of the punctuation from a word function losePunc(word) { tw = ""; for (gg=1; gg<=length(word); gg++) { chr=substr(word,gg,1); if (!puncs[chr]) tw=tw chr; } return(tw) } # return true if "word" is probably a Roman numeral. function isroman(word) { for (jw in A) delete A[jw]; LW = length(word); for (jw=1; jw<=LW; jw++) { let=substr(word,jw,1); if (!alpha[let]) continue; if (!rom[let]) return(0); A[let]++; } return(1); } # Capitalize a word in a title function titleCap(word) { tw = losePunc(word); if (isroman(tw)) return(word); if (KeepCaps[tw]) return(word); nword = tolower(word) if (lcwords[nword] != 0) return(nword); return(initCap(nword)); } # Change capitalization of a word found in the text in all caps function wordCap(word) { tw = losePunc(word); if (isroman(tw)) return(word); if (KeepCaps[tw]) return(word); if (NumInst(word,".") > 1) return(toupper(word)); nword = tolower(word); if (lcwords[nword] != 0) return(nword); icword = initCap(nword); return(icword); } # Force a word to have one initial capital function initCap(word) { if (KeepCaps[word]) return(word); if (isroman(word)) return(word); if (NumInst(word,".") > 1) return(toupper(word)); nword = tolower(word) ji=1; let=toupper(substr(word,ji,1)); cword = let; while(!alpha[let]) { let=toupper(substr(word,++ji,1)); cword = cword let; if (ji >= length(word)) break; } cword = cword substr(nword,++ji); return(cword) } # like index(), only right-to-left function rindex(str,chr) { for (i=length(str); i>0; i--) { if (substr(str,i,1)==chr) return (i) } return (0); } # convert the characters in a word to be shell-safe function convertWord(w) { nw=""; for (kw=1; kw<=length(w); kw++) { c=substr(w,kw,1); if (SUB[c]!="") {nw=nw SUB[c]} else {nw=nw c}; } return(nw); } # function to spot things that should be hotlinked, and hotlink them. BEGIN { # capitalization rules lcwords["of"]=1; lcwords["the"]=1; lcwords["in"]=1; lcwords["a"]=1; lcwords["an"]=1; lcwords["and"]=1; MonthAbb["Jan"]="January"; MonthNum["Jan"]=1; MonthAbb["Feb"]="February"; MonthNum["Feb"]=2; MonthAbb["Mar"]="March"; MonthNum["Mar"]=3; MonthAbb["Apr"]="April"; MonthNum["Apr"]=4; MonthAbb["May"]="May"; MonthNum["May"]=5; MonthAbb["Jun"]="June"; MonthNum["Jun"]=6; MonthAbb["Jul"]="July"; MonthNum["Jul"]=7; MonthAbb["Aug"]="August"; MonthNum["Aug"]=8; MonthAbb["Sep"]="September"; MonthNum["Sep"]=9; MonthAbb["Oct"]="October"; MonthNum["Oct"]=10; MonthAbb["Nov"]="November"; MonthNum["Nov"]=11; MonthAbb["Dec"]="December"; MonthNum["Dec"]=12; for (j in MonthAbb) { MonthNumber[MonthAbb[j]] = MonthNum[j]; MonthCode[MonthAbb[j]] = j; } MonthAbb["Sept"]="September"; MonthNum["Sept"]=9; KeepCaps["ELCA"]=1; KeepCaps["ECUSA"]=1; KeepCaps["ECUSA"]=1; KeepCaps["NT"]=1; KeepCaps["OT"]=1; KeepCaps["UTO"]=1; KeepCaps["AD"]=1; KeepCaps["ISBN"]=1; CapWords["Christian"]=1; CapWords["Christ"]=1; CapWords["Jesus"]=1; character-class rules alph="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" for (i=1; i<=26;i++) {lc[substr(alph,i,1)]=1; alpha[substr(alph,i,1)]=1;} uca=toupper(alph); for (i=1; i<=26;i++) {uc[substr(uca,i,1)]=1; alpha[substr(uca,i,1)]=1;} roman="IVXLCDM"; for (i=1; i<=7;i++) {rom[substr(roman,i,1)]=1;} ipunc="(;[{"; for (i=1; i<=4;i++) {ipuncs[substr(ipunc,i,1)]=1;} allpunc="!@#$%^&*()_+`~-={}[]:\";'\''<>,./?;|\\"; for (i=1; i<=length(allpunc);i++) {puncs[substr(allpunc,i,1)]=1;} # character translation rules SUB["?"]="@Q"; SUB["-"]="@-"; SUB["!"]="@E"; SUB["'\''"]="@P"; SUB["/"]="@S"; SUB["\""]="@D"; SUB["$"]="@M"; SUB["%"]="@C"; SUB["*"]="@A"; SUB["<"]="@1"; SUB[">"]="@2"; SUB["|"]="@V"; SUB["{"]="@3"; SUB["}"]="@4"; SUB["~"]="@T"; SUB["["]="@5"; SUB["]"]="@6"; SUB["`"]="@F"; SUB["("]="@7"; SUB[")"]="@8"; SUB["#"]="@Z"; SUB[":"]="@K"; SUB[";"]="@L"; SUB[","]="@,"; SUB["\\"]="@B";SUB["@"]="@@"; SUB["&"]="@N"; # ordinary initialization Nln=0; InHeader = 1; BlankLine[0] = 1; FirstText = 0; SeenHeading = 0; Itemizing = 0; BLANKS=" "; LinkCount=0; } ################# beginning of main body of AWK program ##### /^@link/ { LinkCount++; NLF=split($0,linkfields,"|"); if (NLF != 3) next; if (linkfields[3]==ENVIRON["THISFILE"]) next; LinkCode=sprintf("${%d}",LinkCount); LinkResult=sprintf("%s", linkfields[3], linkfields[2]); Lcode[linkfields[2]]=LinkCode; Link[LinkCode]=LinkResult; LinkOrder[LinkCount] = linkfields[2]; } { if (FILENAME != "-") { if (NF == 0) next; # Allow # as comment character except in bios themselves if (substr($0,1,1)=="#") next; } if (NF == 0) { # Blank line InHeader = 0; if (BlankLine[Nln]) next; BlankLine[++Nln]=1; LText[Nln]=""; } else { # Nonblank line. if (($0 == " > ") || ($0 == " >") || ($0 == " >") || ($0 == " > ")) { BlankLine[++Nln]=1; LText[Nln]=""; } else { Itemized[Nln]=Itemizing; if (InHeader) next; LText[++Nln] = $0; if (substr($0,1,3)==" > ") LText[Nln] = " " substr($0,4); if (substr($0,1,4)==" > ") LText[Nln] = " " substr($0,5); if (substr($0,1,5)==" > ") LText[Nln] = " " substr($0,6); # Keep track of the running left margin of the text for (i=1; i<=length(LText[Nln]); i++) { if (substr(LText[Nln],i,1) != " ") break; } LeftMargin[Nln] = i; if (i > 0) LText[Nln]=substr(LText[Nln],i); if ((i <= 3) && (SeenHeading!= 0) && (FirstText == 0)) { FirstText = Nln; } } } } ##### begin processing of lines beginning with = # Lines beginning with an = are major title # Processing of major title: break up into words, repair capitalization, # reassemble into string, remove date from end of string, re-break into words, # make calls to gif-word generator using those words. /^=/ { ln=substr(LText[Nln],2) SeenHeading = 1; # break it up into words nf=split(ln,f,FS); Title[0]=""; for (j in Title) {delete Title[j]}; Title[1]=initCap(f[1]); for (i=2; i<=nf; i++) { # fix capitalization Title[i]=titleCap(f[i]); } # reassemble into a string TitleString=wordcat(Title); # the last parenthesized item in the title is its date d1=rindex(TitleString, "("); if (d1) { d2=rindex(TitleString,")"); if (d2 == 0) {d2 = length(TitleString);} PT = substr(TitleString,1,d1-1); PDate = substr(TitleString,d1+1,d2-d1-1); TitleString = PT; # remove the date from the end of the title string while (substr(TitleString,length(TitleString),1)==" ") { TitleString=substr(TitleString,1,length(TitleString)-1); } # split the date into day, month, and year. Use "NT" if year is missing. if (Day == "") { NF=split(PDate,DC," "); Day=DC[1]; Month=initCap(DC[2]); if (MonthAbb[Month] != "") Month = MonthAbb[Month]; if (NF > 2) { Year=DC[3];} else {Year="NT"}; if (Year=="Nt") Year="NT"; if (Year=="Ot") Year="OT"; if (Day != "") NeedImage[convertWord(Day)]=Day; if (Month != "") NeedImage[convertWord(Month)]=Month; if (Year != "") NeedImage[convertWord(Year)]=Year; } } if (PageTitle == "") PageTitle = TitleString; # Redivide the dateless title back into words NTW=split(TitleString,Words,FS); # Find the sort key for the title if (SortKey == "") { SortKey = Words[1]; for (g=1; g<=NTW; g++) { if (index(Words[g],",")) { SortKey=substr(Words[g],1,length(Words[g])-1); break; } } } BioTitles[TitleString] = SortKey; SortKey = ""; # Make a title display out of generated gif images of each word LText[Nln]="\n"; for (k=1; k<=NTW; k++) { TitleWord=convertWord(Title[k]); NeedImage[TitleWord]=Title[k]; Wtemp=sprintf("\"%s\"\n",Title[k],TitleWord); LText[Nln]=LText[Nln] Wtemp; } LText[Nln]=LText[Nln] "
\n"; # Leave a record that we have been here. LineProc[Nln] = 1; Break[Nln] = 1; MarkupBefore[Nln] = MarkupBefore[Nln] "

"; } ##### end processing of lines beginning with = /^PRAYER \(/ { LText[Nln]=sprintf("%s",TOPHEAD+1,LText[Nln],TOPHEAD+1) Break[Nln] = 1 LineProc[Nln]++; # mark line as processed } /^PRAYERS \(/ { nw=split(LText[Nln],W); if (W[1]=="PRAYERS") W[1] = "PRAYER"; LText[Nln]=W[1]; for (k=2; k<=nw; k++) LText[Nln] = LText[Nln] " " W[k]; LText[Nln]=sprintf("%s",TOPHEAD+1,LText[Nln],TOPHEAD+1) Break[Nln] = 1 LineProc[Nln]++; # mark line as processed } /^REFERENCES:/ { LText[Nln]=sprintf("References:",TOPHEAD+1,TOPHEAD+1); LineProc[Nln]++; Break[Nln] = 1; CRbreaks[Nln] = 1; next; } ######## beginning of pragmat processing /@begin\(itemize\)/ { LText[Nln]=""; EnvBegin[Nln]="ul"; Itemizing++; } /@Begin\(itemize\)/ { LText[Nln]=""; EnvBegin[Nln]="ul"; Itemizing++; } /@end\(itemize\)/ { LText[Nln]=""; EnvEnd[Nln-1]="ul"; Itemizing--; } /@End\(itemize\)/ { LText[Nln]=""; EnvEnd[Nln-1]="ul"; Itemizing--; } /@Sortkey/ { SortKey = $2; LText[Nln]=""; } /@sortkey/ { SortKey = $2; LText[Nln]=""; } /@vblock/ { LText[Nln]=""; LineProc[Nln]++; Break[Nln] = 1; CRbreaks[Nln] = 1; next; } /@Begin(Verbatim)/ { LText[Nln]=""; EnvEnd[Nln-1]="ul"; Itemizing--; } ######## end of pragmat processing END { # # Make some sweeps through the stored lines in LText[i], locating # inflection points and labeling them correctly. # # Sweep 1: looking for margins # inQuote = 0; blk = 0; for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) { if (inQuote == 0 && LeftMargin[i] == 0) continue; if (BlankLine[i]) { if (!inQuote) continue; EnvEnd[i-1] = "blockquote"; Break[i] = 1; BlockEnd[blk] = i-1; } if (LeftMargin[i] > 1) { if (inQuote) { LineMode[i]="quote"; if (!CRbreak) continue; LineMode[i]="verse"; continue; } # We have an indent, and we have not previously been in a quote. # look around. The real issue here is whether this is text or verse; # do we or do we not set "CRbreak" mode. CRbreak means Carriage Return # break, and is turned on if this is verse, off if this is text. # A single line indented, with the one following it not being indented, is # the first line of a text paragraph, and we leave it alone. if ( BlankLine[i-1] ) { if (BlankLine[i+1]) { EnvBegin[i]="blockquote"; Break[i] = 1; inQuote = 1; BlockStart[++blk] = i; LineMode[i]="quote"; } else { if (LeftMargin[i+1]==0) continue; } } # If the next line is indented too, set blockquote mode if (LeftMargin[i+1] > 1) { EnvBegin[i]="blockquote"; Break[i] = 1; inQuote = 1; BlockStart[++blk] = i; LineMode[i]="quote"; # If this section began with a marker that says "I am verse", then just # turn it on. if (CRbreaks[i-1]) { LineMode[i]="verse"; CRbreak = 1; BlockIdentified[blk]=1; } } else { MarkupBefore[i] = MarkupBefore[i] "

"; } } else { if (inQuote) { EnvEnd[i-1] = "blockquote"; Break[i] = 1; BlockEnd[blk] = i-1; } inQuote = 0 CRbreak = 0; } } if (inQuote) { EnvEnd[Nln] = "blockquote"; BlockEnd[blk] = Nln-1; } # # Sweep 1a: look over the indented blocks to see if any of them is # preformatted. # for (i=1; i<=blk; i++) { if (BlockIdentified[i]==0) { i1 = BlockStart[i]; i2 = BlockEnd[i]; # Look at each line in the indented block to see if it contains any # manual formatting, spacebar stuff. for (j=i1; j<=i2; j++) { line=LText[j]; for (k=LeftMargin[j];k<=length(line); k++) { if (substr(line,k,1)==" ") { nsp++; if (nsp > 2 || (((nsp > 1) && (LeftMargin[j]>0))) ) { BlockIdentified[i] = 2; EnvBegin[i1]="pre"; EnvEnd[i2]="pre"; break; } } else {nsp=0}; } if (BlockIdentified[i] != 0) break; } # If this is a

 block, set the "line has been processed" flag on every
# line in the block, to make sure that we dont mess with it further.
	   if (BlockIdentified[i] == 2) {
	       for (j=i1; j<=i2; j++) {

# Sweep 1b: look over the indented blocks to see if any of them is verse. If
# the block is verse, were going to need to keep track of the left margin
# so we can put in non-breaking spaces when the line is emitted.
    for (i=1; i<=blk; i++) {
        if (BlockIdentified[i]) continue;
	Leftmost[i] = 999;
	IsVerse = 0;
	ShortLines = 0;
	VeryShortLines = 0;
	Jaglines = 0;
      if (BlockIdentified[i]==0) {
	   i1 = BlockStart[i];
	   i2 = BlockEnd[i];
	   nlines = i2-i1+1;
# Look at each line in the indented block to see if it has the margins that
# make it look like poetry. And find the mimimum left margin.
	   for (j=i1; j<=i2; j++) {
	       if (LeftMargin[j] != "" && LeftMargin[j] < Leftmost[i]) {
	          Leftmost[i] = LeftMargin[j];
	       if ((llen > 0) && (llen < 50)) ShortLines++;
	       if ((llen > 0) && (llen < 30)) VeryShortLines++;
	       if ((llen != 0) && (length(LText[j-1]) != 0)) {
	           if ((j > i1) && (LeftMargin[j] != LeftMargin[j-1]))
	   if ((ShortLines > (nlines/4)) || (Jaglines > nlines/5)) {
	       IsVerse = 1;
	   if (VeryShortLines > 1) IsVerse = 1;
	if (IsVerse == 1) {
	    BlockIdentified[i] = 3;
	    for (j=i1; j<=i2; j++) {
#  for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) print i,LeftMargin[i],LineMode[i],substr(LText[i],1,25)

# Sweep 2: look for lines that need transformations applied
    for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) {
	if (LineProc[i]) continue;
# Look for horizontal rules
	Naster = 0;
	for (j=1; j<=length(LText[i]); j++) {
	    chr = substr(LText[i],j,1);
	    if ((chr == "=") || (chr == "*") ) {Naster++;}
	if (Naster > 2 && (100*Naster/length(LText[i])) > 50) {
	# Its a rule
	    if (!BlankLine[i-1] || Break[i-1]) {
	        MarkupBefore[i] = MarkupBefore[i] "
"; } LText[i] = "

"; Break[i]=1; continue; # skip the rest of Sweep 2 } # Deal with capitalization. Find each word in the line and call the # "scrutinize capitalization" procedure on it. Then reassemble the line. nw=split(LText[i],w,FS); if (nw > 0) { # find sequences of capitalized words. Probably turn them into sequences of # italicized words. This is deeply twisted logic, because it is all rather # empirical. We want things like JUSTIN MARTYR, HIS LIFE AND THOUGHT # to be italicized, but we dont want J C MARTYR to be italicized, and # we dont want AD 308 to be italicized. for (k=1; k<=nw; k++) iscap[k] = isAllcap(w[k]); capping = 0; for (k=1; k<=nw; k++) { if (iscap[k]) { if (capping) w[k]=wordCap(w[k]); else w[k]=initCap(w[k]); # Do not italicize initials, which means 2 or more single-letters in a row if (!capping && (length(w[k])==1 && length(w[k+1])==1)) continue; # do not italicize short capitalized sequences that are mostly numbers if (!capping && (iscap[k]==1) && ( (k>=nw-1) || (iscap[k+2] != 2))) continue; if ((k < nw) && iscap[k+1] && !iscap[k-1]) { w[k]="" w[k]; capping = 1; } # at the end of an italicized sequence, put in the exit-italics code. if (capping && !iscap[k+1]) { w[k]=w[k] ""; capping = 0 } # a word that begins with one of the initial punctuations characters # will end italicization. This only works some of the time. if (capping && ipuncs[substr(w[k+1],1,1)]) { w[k]=w[k] ""; capping = 0 } } } turn it off at the end of each line if (capping) {capping=0; w[nw]=w[nw] ""}; ################ end of twisted italicization logic # Look here for things like URLs and email addresses for (k=1; k<=nw; k++) { wordflag[k] = 0; if (tolower(substr(w[k],1,7))=="http://") { w[k]="" w[k] "" wordflag[k] = 1; } if (index(w[k],"@")) { ati=index(w[k],"."); right=substr(w[k],ati+1); dot=index(right,"."); if (dot > 0) { w[k] = "" w[k] "" wordflag[k] = 2; } } } # Do init-cap processing of the line unless the line contains markup. if (((wordflag[1]==0 && (Break[i-1]) || (Break[i] || BlankLine[i-1])) && (substr(w[1],1,1) != "<"))) { w[1]=initCap(w[1]); } LText[i]=w[1]; for (k=2; k<=nw; k++) { LText[i] = LText[i] " " w[k] } } # Look out for poem titles. A poem title is a line that has a break before # and after it, and for which the next substantive line is marked "verse". if ( (Break[i] || BlankLine[i-1]) && (!BlankLine[i]) && (LeftMargin[i] <= 1) && ((LineMode[i+1]=="verse") || (LineMode[i+1]=="quote") || (BlankLine[i+1] && ((LineMode[i+2]=="verse") || LineMode[i+2]=="quote")))) { S1=sprintf("",TOPHEAD+1); S2=sprintf("",TOPHEAD+1); MarkupBefore[i] = MarkupBefore[i] S1; MarkupAfter[i] = S2 MarkupAfter[i]; LineProc[i] = 4; } } # # Now take all "text" lines and remove the line breaks, so that we # can look for cross-linked phrases line by line. # for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) { if (LineProc[i]) continue; if (LineMode[i]!= "") continue; if (BlankLine[i]) continue; for (j=1; j<=Nln-1; j++) { if (LineMode[i+j]=="" && (!BlankLine[i+j]) && (LText[i+j]!="")) { LText[i] = LText[i] " " LText[i+j]; LineMode[i+j]="deleted"; BlankLine[i]=0; LText[i+j]= ""; } else { break; } } } # # Process the cross-reference links # for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) { if (LineProc[i]) continue; if (LineMode[i] == "deleted") continue; if (LineMode[i] == "verbatim") continue; for (j=1; j<=LinkCount; j++) { target=LinkOrder[j]; LinkMatch[j]=gsub(target, Lcode[target], LText[i]); } for (j=1; j<=LinkCount; j++) { target=LinkOrder[j]; if (LinkMatch[j] > 0) { gsub(Lcode[target], Link[Lcode[target]], LText[i]); } } } print "" print "" print "" print " " print " " print " " printf " %s\n",PageTitle; # Dump the table of needed images as comments in the header section. for (j in NeedImage) { printf " \n",NeedImage[j],j; } if ((Day != "") && (Month != "")) { MC = MonthCode[Month]; SortKey = sprintf("%02d%02d",MonthNumber[Month],Day); if (Year == "") { printf " \n",SortKey,Day,MC } else { printf " \n",Year,SortKey,Day,MC,Year } } for (i in BioTitles) { printf " \n",BioTitles[i],i } print "" print "" print "" # Now dump the text buffers. for (i=1; i<=Nln; i++) { if (MarkupBefore[i] != "") printf "%s",MarkupBefore[i]; if (EnvBegin[i] != "") printf "<%s>\n",EnvBegin[i]; if (LineMode[i]=="deleted") continue; if (BlankLine[i] && !Itemized[i]) { if (!Break[i-1] && !Break[i+1]) print "

" } else { if (i == FirstText && (Day != "")) { print ""; printf("\"%s\"\n",Day,convertWord(Day)); printf("\"%s\"\n",Month,convertWord(Month)); printf("\"%s\"\n",Year,convertWord(Year)); print "
"; } if (Itemized[i] && (Break[i-1] || BlankLine[i-1])) printf "

  • "; if (LineMode[i] == "verse") { # see if we need to add any padding spaces at the front MM = MinMargin[i]; if (MM <= 0) MM = LeftMargin[i]; if (LeftMargin[i] > MM) { for (z=MM; z<=LeftMargin[i]; z++) { printf " " } } printf "%s",LText[i]; printf "
    "; } else if (LineMode[i] == "preformatted") { printf "%s%s",substr(BLANKS,1,LeftMargin[i]),LText[i]; } else { # Make this so that the line lengths are not more than 80 columns, if # we can. if (length(LText[i])<72) { printf "%s",LText[i]; } else { NW=split(LText[i],w,FS); LBUF="" for (k=1; k<=NW;k++) { if (length(LBUF) + length(w[k]) >72) { print LBUF; LBUF = ""; } if (LBUF == "") {LBUF = w[k];} else {LBUF = LBUF " " w[k]} } if (LBUF != "") print LBUF; } } printf "\n"; } if (EnvEnd[i] != "") printf "\n",EnvEnd[i]; if (MarkupAfter[i] != "") printf "%s",MarkupAfter[i]; } # Now write the bottom part print "" print "" print "" } ' /www/justus.anglican.org/bin/bio/link.lib -