Fabian, Bishop and Martyr

20 January 250
(Third Day of Prayer For Christian Unity)

Fabian was Bishop of Rome for 14 years. He organized the city of Rome into parishes and appointed scribes to record the lives of the martyrs for posterity. When the Emperor Decius began a persecution of Christians, probably the first one to be waged simultaneously in all parts of the Empire, Fabian was one of the first to be put to death, setting a courageous example for others. His tombstone, with the inscription dimly visible, can still be seen at Rome.

PRAYER (traditional wording)

O God, who in thy providence didst call thy servant Fabian to The office of Bishop, and didst guide him so to strengthen thy Church that it stood fast in the day of persecution: Grant that those whom thou dost call to any ministry in the Church may be obedient to thy call in all humility, and be enabled to carry out their tasks with diligence and faithfulness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

PRAYER (contemporary wording)

O God, who in your providence called your servant Fabian to The office of Bishop, and guided him so to strengthen thy Church that it stood fast in the day of persecution: Grant that those whom you call to any ministry in the Church may be obedient to your call in all humility, and be enabled to carry out their tasks with diligence and faithfulness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Unless otherwise indicated, this biographical sketch was written by James E. Kiefer and any comments about its content should be directed to him. The Biographical Sketches home page has more information.