Church of South India
27 September 1947

A listmember from the Church of South India has reminded me of the Golden Jubilee of his Province, and supplied the following details.

The Church of South India is the first example in Church History of the union of episcopal and non-episcopal Churches. (A fundamental principle was the acceptance into a united ministry of all existing ordained ministers whether possessing episcopal orders or not. After a period of about 30 years it was intended that all ministers would be episcopally ordained.) It was inaugurated on 27th September 1947 in Madras, South India. The joining churches were: the Anglican Church, the Methodist Church, the South Indian United Church (itself a union of Presbyterian and Congregationalist Churches that happened in 1904) and later, the Basel Mission Churches.

The Mission of the Church is to share the love of Jesus Christ with the people of India through:

A) Proclamation of the Good News of Jesus

B) Responding to human need through institutions (schools, hostels for poor children, hospitals etc.) and through emergency relief work.

C) Striving to build a more just society through Community Development Projects, Skills Training Programmes for the marginalised and disadvantaged sections of the people.

D) Programmes to preserve the integrity of God's creation.

(Information taken from "Pilgrim", the Magazine of the Friends of the Church in India.)

Ezekiel 37:15-22
Psalm 122
Ephesians 4:1-6
John 17:20-26.

The C.S.I. Anniversary Prayer (traditional language):

O God, who to an expectant and united Church didst grant at Pentecost the gift of the Holy Spirit, and hast wonderfully brought into one fold those who now worship thee here: Grant, we beseech thee, the help of the same Spirit in all our life and worship, that we may expect great things from thee, and attempt great things for thee, and being one in thee may show to the world that thou didst send Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end.

(From the Church of South India Book of Common Worship (c) Oxford University Press 1963)

The C.S.I. Anniversary Prayer (contemporary language):

O God, who to an expectant and united Church granted at Pentecost the gift of the Holy Spirit, and have wonderfully brought into one fold those who now worship you here: Grant us the help of the Holy Spirit in all our life and worship, that we may expect great things from you, and attempt great things for you, and being one in you may show to the world that you sent Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end.

Unless otherwise indicated, this biographical sketch was written by James E. Kiefer and any comments about its content should be directed to him. The Biographical Sketches home page has more information.