
The 1979 U. S.
Book of Common Prayer
in Latin



Title page for Latin BCP

The Book of Common Prayer has been translated into Latin before: the 1559 Elizabethan Book in 1560, and the 1662 Book in 1670 along with several translations in the 19th Century. However, until now, no American edition has been rendered into Latin, as far as we know. The translation presented here was done by a single individual and has no official status; but we do feel it should prove useful for devotion and scholarship.

The text is presented as a series of files in the MSWord95 format; this is readable by a great number of word processors, including the WordPad program included with all recent versions of Windows. Clicking on a file should automatically bring up a program capable of reading the file. Or, you can right-click on the file and save it onto your computer's hard drive by choosing "Save as..." (or something similar) from the menu which pops up.

This Latin translation was done by Roderick Thompson, an Episcopal priest in San Francisco, to whom I am grateful for permission to put it on the Web.


Tabula Argumentorum
Table of Contents


Front Matter

De Liturgia Ecclesiae
    [Concerning the Service of the Church]
Kalendarium Anni Ecclesiastici
    [Calendar of the Church Year]


Divinum Officium [Daily Office]

Ordo ad Matutinas Preces Quotidianas
    [Morning Prayer]
Ordo ad Meridiem
    [Order of Service for Noonday]
Ordo ad Vesperam
    [Order of Worship for the Evening]
Ordo ad Vespertinas Preces Quotidianas
    [Evening Prayer]
Ordo ad Completorium
    [Compline ]
Devotiones Quotidianae pro Singulis et Familiis
    [Daily Devotions for Individuals & Families]

Litania Magna [The Great Litany]
Collectae [Collects]
Liturgiae Propriae ad Dies quosdam [Proper Liturgies for Special Days]

Feria Quarta Cinerum
    [Ash Wednesday]
Dominica in Palmis
    [Palm Sunday]
Feria Quinta in Cena Domini
    [Maundy Thursday]
Feria Sexta in Parasceve
    [Good Friday]
Sabbato Sancto
    [Holy Saturday]
Vigilia Paschalis
    [Easter Vigil]

Sanctum Baptisma [Baptism]
Santa Eucharistia [Holy Eucharist]


Ordinis Paenitentialis: Ritus Primus
    [Penitential Order, Rite I]

Sanctae Eucharistiae: Ritus Primus
    [Holy Eucharist, Rite I]

Ordinis Paenitentialis: Ritus Secundus
    [Penitential Order, Rite II]

Sanctae Eucharistiae: Ritus Secundus
    [Holy Eucharist, Rite II]

Communio in Temporibus Singularibus
    [Communion under Special Circumstances]

Ordo ad Celebrandum Sanctam Eucharistiam
    [Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist]

Officia Pastoralia [Pastoral Offices]

Forma pro Dedicatione ad Ministerium Christianum
    [Form of Commitment to Christian Service]
Celebratio et Benedictio Nuptiarum
    [Celebration & Blessing of a Marriage]
Benedictio Matrimonii Civilis
    [Blessing of a Civil Marriage]
Ordo Nuptiarum
    [Order for Marriage]
Gratiarum Actio Pro Partu vel Adoptione Parvuli
    [Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child]
Reconciliatio Paenitentis
    [Reconciliation of a Penitent]
Ministratio Infirmis
    [Ministration to the Sick]
In Articulo Mortis
    [Ministration at the Time of Death]
Ad Sepulturam Mortuorum
    [Burial of the Dead]
Ordo Sepulturae
    [Order for Burial]


Liturgiae Episcopales [Episcopal Services]

Ordinatio Episcopi
    [Ordination of a Bishop]
Ordinatio Presbyteri
    [Ordination of a Priest]
Ordinatio Diaconi
    [Ordination of a Deacon]
Litania pro Ordinationibus
    [Litany for Ordinations]
Celebratio Ministerii Novi
    [Celebration of New Ministry]
Dedicatio et Consecratio Ecclesiae
    [Consecration of a Church or Chapel]

Psalterium Davidicum [The Psalter]
    [1 - 55]   [56 - 104]   [105 - 150]
Orationes et Gratiarum Actiones [Prayers and Thanksgivings]
Schema Fidei [Catechism]
Documenta Historica Ecclesiae [Historical Documents of the Church]
Tabula Festorum Mobilium [Tables for Finding the Date of Easter & other Holy Days]
Lectionarium [The Lectionary - Eucharistic]
Lectionarium Divini Officii [The Lectionary - Daily Office]
Appendix: Sources for Collects and Selected Prayers

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Web author: Charles Wohlers