What's On at Lambeth
Sunday 26 July, 'Sudan Day'

8.15 - 9.15am Breakfast

10am Sunday Eucharist (Province: Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia)

Sunday Worship in Canterbury

Canterbury Cathedral
8am Holy Communion
9am Holy Eucharist
11am Cathedral Sung Eucharist and Sermon

9.30 am Sung Eucharist
Historic St Martins, off Longport Street

11am Solemn Eucharist
St Mary Bredin, Nunnery Fields

11am Morning Worship
St Peters, High Street

3.15 pm Choral Evensong
St Mildred's, Stour Street (near Canterbury East station)

12.15 - 1.45pm Lunch-free time

1.45pm Bishops vs Bishops cricket match

5 - 6.30pm Dinner

6.45pm Open Evening at Cathedral
Coaches depart from University campus for Canterbury Cathedral

10pm Coaches depart Canterbury Cathedral for University campus