What's On at Lambeth
Friday 24 July

7.15am Eucharist (The Church of the Province of Southern Africa) followed by Bible study video with Richard Holloway, Archbishop of Scotland 2 Cor 4: 1-6

8.15 - 9.15am Breakfast

9.30 - 11am Morning Prayer and Bible studies

11.00 - 11.15am Coffee

11.30 - 12.30pm Spouses
- Social Issues (1)
- Creative

11.30 - 1pm Sections including Midday Prayer

1pm Spouses
Gentle keep-fit exercises to music

1 - 2.30pm Lunch (served between these times)

2.45 - 5.45 pm Plenary Presentation: “International Debt” chaired by Orland Lindsay, Archbishop of the West Indies. Presentations include a video by Christian Aid; reflections by Luis Prado, Bishop of Pelotas (Brazil) and Peter Selby, Bishop of
Worcester (England); and addresses by the Finance Minister of Guyana and the President of the World Bank. Khotso Makhulu, Archbishop of Central Africa, will introduce a draft resolution.

5.45 pm Evening Prayer (Province:
The Anglican Church of Korea) followed by Bible Study video with Geralyn Wolf, Bishop of Rhode Island 2 Cor 4: 7-5:10

6.30 - 8pm Dinner-free evening