[Gselections2015] Meeting Sat 17th

Michael Skinner mikeskinner2 at virginmedia.com
Thu May 1 16:13:49 UTC 2014

I am afraid I too must send in apologies as I shall be on holiday. However
we have a meeting of the SCP provincial council on 7 May and I will see if
anyone is available to represent us, if you decide to go ahead with the
meeting that is.


Best wishes





gselections2015-bounces+mikeskinner2=virginmedia.com at justus.anglican.org
[mailto:gselections2015-bounces+mikeskinner2=virginmedia.com at justus.anglican
.org] On Behalf Of Giles Goddard
Sent: 01 May 2014 11:07
To: GS Elections 2015
Subject: [Gselections2015] Meeting Sat 17th


Dear all


Happy Easter. Hope you had a good break afterwards. 


I'm writing to confirm the  next meeting of the General Synod Campaign group
on Saturday 17th May from 10.30 to 12.30 at St Andrew's, Short St., SE1 8LJ


Attached is a report from Stephen which will form the agenda -


Could you confirm attendance to Stephen, copied in? 


Looking forward to seeing you 




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