[Gselections2015] General Synod Campaign - DRAFT Candidates Pack

STEPHEN FRANCE revfrance at btinternet.com
Mon Dec 15 11:47:49 UTC 2014

Dear Partners
Please find attached a draft of the Candidates Pack which is due to be launched on 24th January.  At this stage I am looking for comments and suggestions to fine tune the document ready for the launch.  If you have any thoughts I would be grateful to receive them by 9th Jan.
The aim of the Candidates Pack is to inspire 3-5 excellent candidates per Diocese to stand for election and give them a clear guide of what they will need to do to increase their chances of being elected.  It does not seek to explain the inner workings of the General Synod (although links to this are included) but rather give them a "Checklist" for success and all the key dates.  I have included real examples of Election Addresses and early advice on how to vote. 
Have a blessed Christmas.
Revd Fr Stephen France SCP
Rector of Brondesbury
46 The Avenue
Tel: 0208 451 1263
E: revfrance at btinternet.com
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