[Gselections2015] Fwd: WATCH (London)April Event Feedback and Attachments

sally.barnes3 at btopenworld.com sally.barnes3 at btopenworld.com
Tue May 7 10:27:58 UTC 2013

I will be there. Sally
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

-----Original Message-----
From: Giles Goddard <gileswgoddard at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 11:06:51 
To: Sally Barnes<sally.barnes3 at btinternet.com>; Anne Stephens<vicar at stpancraschurch.org>; GS Elections 2015<Gselections2015 at justus.anglican.org>
Subject: Fwd: WATCH (London)April  Event Feedback and Attachments

Dear all

In preparation for our meeting on Saturday I'm attaching papers circulated at the WATCH London meeting on 17th April, along with a revision of the Road Map used for the 2010 election.  

The meeting will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. AT ST ANDREW'S, SHORT STREET, LONDON SE1 8L J 

Could you let me know if you're coming?  Or if not? 

Suggested agenda:

1.0	Prayer

2.0	Introductions and welcome

3.0	Information exchange - to be led by Simon Sarmiento, including report back on Stephen France's presentation to WATCH London.

4.0	Aim of the Group:  proposed:  "In partnership with other progressive organisations, to maximise our resources and skills to ensure that a more inclusive General Synod is elected in 2015,"  
	4.1	Membership of the Group
	4.2	Finance
	4.3	Communication

5.0	Timetable and actions.

6.0	AOB  

Please suggest additional items.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: SALLY BARNES <sally.barnes3 at btopenworld.com>
> Subject: WATCH (London)April Event Feedback and Attachments
> Date: 29 April 2013 15:59:00 GMT+01:00
> To: SallyBarnes <sally.barnes3 at btopenworld.com>
> Reply-To: SALLY BARNES <sally.barnes3 at btopenworld.com>
> WATCH (London) Feedback on 17 April Event
> As you all know, the London branch of WATCH held a meeting at St James's Piccadilly on 17 April to prepare for future synodical elections. The aim was to raise awareness of the importance of achieving an electorate of supporters prepared to stand for deanery, diocesan and general synods who represent the will of the church to appoint women bishops. The meeting raised a great deal of interest far beyond the London diocese and was extremely well attended with numbers exceeding our expectations. Thank you to those of you who came and contributed. For those of you who were not able to come this is an update with the papers attached that many of you have asked for. 
> The Revd Stephen France took us through the processes of different levels of synodical governance in a way that someone later said made a potentially boring subject interesting and humourous.  
> A panel of past and present general synod members, Revd Anne Stevens, April Alexander, Revd Stephen France and Mary Johnston, helped with insights on what to expect and issues that could arise. Many questions were asked. Those present were encouraged to think about standing for election themselves or identifying others who might.  
> After a break for refreshments, with time for people to talk to each other, the Revd Lucy Winkett gave a thoroughly inspirational address – a copy of which will be made available shortly. The evening ended with a short service of prayer.
> Material published for the meeting, included step-by-step guidance on standing for election to deanery; diocesan and general synods; the main points of Stephen’s talk and the voting record of London’s General Synod members at the November 2012 debate on the Women Bishops Measure. These are attached to this message.
> It was made quite clear at the meeting that a great deal of real anger and deep frustration continues to be felt, along with sheer weariness at having to keep going over the same debate time and time again, but none of this is going to go away. We keep on with determination and perseverance to ensure women take their place alongside men as bishops without any discrimination that would inevitably inhibit their ministry and discredit the Church.  
> London WATCH is extremely grateful to Lucy for making St James’s available to us and for the help we received from Ashley the senior verger. It is a superb venue and so easy for people to access - Thank you.  
> There will be more meetings to come and we will keep you all in touch with what is happening next.
> With many good wishes
> Sally on behalf of the WATCH (London) Committee

Canon Giles Goddard
St John with St Andrew, Waterloo
07762 373 674

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