[Francophones] Fwd: Huge Victory on Conflict Minerals

Pierre Whalon bishop at tec-europe.org
Ven 16 Juil 06:16:22 GMT 2010

Chers membres du Réseau,

Je vous transfère ce communiqué de presse de la ONG Enough! (Assez!). Le Congrès américain a avalisé le projet de loi qui régit Wall Street. Dans le texte de la loi on trouve aussi un paragraphe deedié aux "minerais de conflit". Ces minerais sont utilisés notamment dans les produits électroniques tels que les téléphones portables. Le conflit à l'est du Congo, attisé par les milices rwandaises et autres, est pour déterminer qui domine les sources de ces minerais, essentiels au fonctionnement de ces appareils et donc très rentables.

La nouvelle loi exige que les compagnies qui fabriquent de tels appareils doivent désormais certifier l'origine des composants, en particulier qu'ils ne proviennent pas de zones de conflits. En attaquant le financement des milices, on espère pouvoir en finir avec dans un proche avenir.

Vous aussi pouvez faire partie de Enough! Les détails se trouvent à la fin du communiqué.

Prions pour la fin du conflit au Congo, et que le Seigneur redonne au peuple congolais le contrôle et le bénéfice de leurs propres richesses.

Mgr Pierre

Début du message réexpédié :

> De : "John Prendergast" <success at enoughproject.org>
> Date : 16 juillet 2010 00:06:28 HAEC
> À : bishop at tec-europe.org
> Objet : Huge Victory on Conflict Minerals
> Répondre à : "John Prendergast" <success at enoughproject.org>
>  View on mobile. View in web browser.
> Today, the world moved a step closer to ensuring that the supply chains for our laptops and cell phones do not finance violence in eastern Congo. Today, human rights activists, American consumers, and the people of Congo won an incredible victory. Congress passed the Wall Street reform bill with the inclusion of a key provision on conflict minerals which will require companies to disclose whether they source conflict minerals from Congo or neighboring countries, and require companies to report on steps taken to exclude conflict sources from their supply chains, backed by independent audits.
> The growing movement for Congo across America should be very proud of this impressive victory. Activists and concerned consumers from communities across the country came together with one voice and told Congress we demand strong legislation that will put us on the path to ending one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history.  You overran the Facebook pages of elected officials and electronics companies, followed up with phone calls, wrote letters and emails to their offices, met face-to-face with your representatives, and called on industry leaders to clean up their supply chain. These are just some examples of the creative advocacy that has helped elevate the issue of conflict minerals to reach today’s tipping point. Senators Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Sam Brownback (R-KS), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Russ Feingold (D-WI), and Reps. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Howard Berman (D-CA), and Barney Frank (D-MA), along with many other upstanding members of Congress, deserve special praise for leading this battle over the past two years. 
> From the day President Obama signs the bill, the Securities and Exchange Commission will have nine months to develop regulations implementing the new law. It will be up to all of us to ensure that these regulations are as strong as possible. 
> This legislation is a piece of the broader solution. We now have to turn our attention from the legislative branch of our government to the executive branch, to ensure that the Obama administration helps lead an international effort to create what we call a "trace, audit, and certify" regime to ensure that the raw materials that go into our cell phones and laptops are not fueling conflict.
> You really did something meaningful here. Take a week off. We still have work to do, but we need to appreciate this victory. We will be coming back to you with ideas of how you can continue to be involved in shaping the actions our government takes and the practices our electronics companies utilize in sourcing the minerals that power all of our electronics products. Peace in Congo is possible. We just took one important step today on that road to a better future in Congo.  
> Thank you for your activism.
> John Prendergast
> Co-founder Enough Project
> Enough Project | 1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 307 | Washington, D.C. 20005
> Enough is a project to end genocide and crimes against humanity. For more information, go to www.enoughproject.org. 
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Bishop (Mgr) Pierre Whalon
Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
23, avenue George V
75008 Paris France
+33 1 53 23 84 06  (tel)
+33 1 49 52 96 85 (fax)
office at tec-europe.org

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