Christ Church (Dublin) Events: August 2011

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin cccdub at
Wed Jul 27 17:26:29 GMT 2011

C H R I S T  C H U R C H  C A T H E D R A L  D U B L I N

August  2011




Thursday 28 July 2011

12.00 - 15.00: Lunchtime Food Market in the grounds. 

Every week we will be hosting a variety of food stalls serving 

Korean food, Indian food, lovely cakes plus many more! 

New for this Thursday is a paella stall.


Saturday 30 July 2011

17.00: Choral Evensong sung by a visiting choir, 

the choir of St Polycarp's Parish Church, Belfast.

Directed by Simon Neill, organist: Philip Stopford.

Introit: O Most Merciful (Wood)

Responses: Smith

Canticles: Noble in B minor

Anthem: Wood, O Thou the Central Orb


Sunday 31st July: The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

11.00: Choral Eucharist sung by the choir of St Polycarp's Parish Church

Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr. John R Bartlett

Mass Setting: St Patrick Eucharist, (Philip Stopford)

Anthem: With a voice of singing (Martin Shaw)


15.30: Choral Evensong sung by the choir of St Polycarp's Parish Church

Introit: Locus Iste (Bruckner)

Responses: Ayleward

Canticles: Stanford in B flat

Anthem: Te Deum Laudamus in B flat (Stanford).


Thursday 4 August 2011

12.00 - 15.00: Lunchtime Food Market in the grounds.


Saturday 6 August 2011

13.00: Lunchtime Concert - Girls Choir from the 

Holy Rosary School in Edenvale, South Africa.

Entrance included in admission to the cathedral.


Sunday 7 August 2011: The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

11.00: Choral Eucharist sung by Christ Church Chorale.

Preacher: Canon John McCullagh.

Mass Setting: Ireland in C


Monday 8 August 2011

13.15: Lunchtime Concert - Grampian Concert Orchestra

Entrance included in admission to the cathedral.


Thursday 11 August 2011

12 - 15.00: Lunchtime Food Market in the grounds.


Sunday 14 August 2011: The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

11.00: Choral Eucharist sung by Christ Church Chorale.

Preacher: Canon Patrick Comerford.

Mass Setting: Palestrina, Missa Brevis
Motet: Victoria, O Quam Gloriosum


Thursday 18 August 2011

12 - 15.00: Lunchtime Food Market in the grounds. 


Friday 19 August 2011

14.00 - 17.00: Family Fun day in the grounds including 

face painting, magic shows and a treasure hunt. 

For more information call 01-6778099.


Saturday 20 August 2011

14.00 - 17.00: Family Fun day in the grounds including 

face painting, magic shows and a treasure hunt. 

For more information call 01-6778099.


Sunday 21 August 2011: The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

11.00: Choral Eucharist sung by the Christ Church Cathedral 

Past Choristers Association.

Preacher: Dr Katie Heffelfinger, Lecturer in Biblical Studies 

& Hermeneutics at The Church of Ireland Theological Institute.


15.30: Choral Evensong sung by the Christ Church Cathedral 

Past Choristers Association.


Wednesday 24 August 2011

18.00: Choral Evensong sung by a visiting choir, the Aularian Singers.

Responses: Neary
Canticles: Sumsion in G
Anthem: Verleih uns Frieden - Mendelssohn


Thursday 25 August 2011

18.00: Choral Evensong sung by the Aularian Singers.

Responses: Neary
Canticles: Stanford in G
Anthem: Evening Hymn - Balfour Gardiner


Sunday 28 August 2011: The Tenth Sunday after Trinity.

11.00: Sung Eucharist with sermon, sung by the Aularian Singers.

Preacher: Canon Roly Heaney.

Introit: Bread of the World - Malcolm Brown
Setting: Darke in F
Communion Motet: Love Him and Keep Him - Eric Stuckey 

(words from writings of Thomas a Kempis)


15.30: Choral Evensong sung by the Aularian Singers. 

Responses: Ian Brentnall
Canticles: Howells - New College Service
Anthem: Bainton - And I saw a new Heaven




All are most welcome to attend all cathedral services and

events. Details of these can usually be found online at: <> 



Why not visit Dvblinia, the medieval exhibition,

or their website available at: <> .



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Sarah Drumm, Web Editor

sarah.drumm at

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin



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